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NATO Review topical page about:

climate change

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NATO Review looks at why getting the armed forces closer to the realities of energy and environmental problems is actually a good move. And why most people would benefit.
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Water is the essence of life. But drinkable, fresh water is at a premium. Rising populations, poor water use and shortages in key areas are all major factors. This video gives a quick tour of the world showing why water is an issue for everyone.
We ask energy and environment expert, Jason Blackstock, how he sees changes in the area, whether they are a cause for optimism and where he sees the potential flashpoints.
Energy use is not a side issue for security. Power outages in many NATO states have shown how vulnerable we all are without sufficient energy. As the demand for more energy resources increases, how can we make sure this does not lead to conflict?
The ten years since the 9/11 attacks have thrown up new and challenging security risks. How well have we kept up with them? Has NATO changed enough? In this edition, we look at what the security world has learnt since that historic day.
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Bjørn Lomborg argues that global warming’s effects on food scarcity can be addressed – and now. Furthermore, he paints a picture in which less people starve in the world, despite population growth. Here he sets out the action needed now.
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The beginning of 2011 has been marked by concern about what the day to day effects of climate change will be. Possibly the most important is how it will affect food. The global population is likely to rise from 7billion this year to 9 billion by 2050. Yet, at the same time as having more mouths to feed, the world will have less water and cultivable land. What will this mean for our security?
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Bjorn Lomborg is best known for his work on climate change. But here he highlights that getting things right now, in areas such as HIV and malnutrition, could be just as important as getting things right for the future in climate change.
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How serious is China about tackling climate change? Is its industrial development or environmental action more important? This video looks into at both sides of China's position.
Did the end of over 50 years of Liberal Democratic Party rule last year mark the birth of a new Japan? Birgit Huetten assesses how much change the country will really see.
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Views and interviews - video 4: What are the personal opinions of some of those connected with the drawing up of the new Strategic Concept? How far can it go? In this section, we offer face to face interviews with some key players.
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NATO Review looks into why the High North is suddenly a high political and security priority. And how changes there are affecting areas from oil to trade to the environment. This video features comments from leading politicians, scientists and NATO's top military personnel.
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Norway's Foreign Affairs Minister, Jonas Gahr Store, has played a leading role in focusing more attention on the issue of the High North. In this interview, he explains the role of science, cooperation - and Russia.
A brief photo slideshow provides images and figures showing the potential of emerging risks
The Chairman of the Nobel Peace Prize winning IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), Dr Pachauri, talks to NATO Review about climate change as a security issue – and NATO’s response.
European Commissioner for Science & Research, Janez Potocnik, explains why he feels that climate change means science’s role in security issues can only grow more important.
Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790),
Poor Richard's Almanac, 1746
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