Bilateral Consultative Commission Agreement Number 3: On the Acquisition of Telemetric Information Playback Equipment

Bureau of Arms Control, Verification and Compliance
September 21, 2012


The Delegation of the United States of America to the Bilateral Consultative Commission and the Delegation of the Russian Federation to the Bilateral Consultative Commission,

Acting in accordance with the Treaty between the United States of America and the Russian Federation on Measures for the Further Reduction and Limitation of Strategic Offensive Arms of April 8, 2010, hereinafter referred to as the Treaty,

Pursuant to subparagraph (b) of Section I of Part Six of the Protocol to the Treaty,

Have agreed as follows:

1. In accordance with subparagraph 8(c) of Part Two of the Annex on Telemetric Information to the Protocol to the Treaty and paragraphs 1 and 3 of Part Five of the Annex on Telemetric Information to the Protocol to the Treaty, the Parties shall, upon request, provide each other with the opportunity to acquire telemetric information playback equipment for which a demonstration was conducted in accordance with subparagraph 8(a) of Part Two of the Annex on Telemetric Information to the Protocol to the Treaty, together with the appropriate software and technical documentation, as well as spare parts for previously purchased telemetric information playback equipment.

2. The lists of such telemetric information playback equipment, software, and technical documentation are contained in the Annexes to this Agreement.

3. This Agreement shall enter into force as of the date of signature and shall remain in force so long as the Treaty remains in force.

Commissioner of the United States of America to the Bilateral Consultative Commission


Commissioner of the Russian Federation to the Bilateral Consultative Commission

Annex I to Agreement Number 3 of September 21, 2012

Telemetric Information Playback Equipment Demonstrated by the Russian Party, Together With Appropriate Software and Technical Documentation

RS120/E5 playback device (manufacturer – Open Joint-Stock Company Research & Engineering Center of St. Petersburg Electro-Technology University, St. Petersburg), together with software and technical documentation (in the Russian language) for such playback device.

Annex II to Agreement Number 3 of September 21, 2012

Telemetric Information Playback Equipment Demonstrated by the U.S. Party, Together With Appropriate Software and Technical Documentation

1. Wideband DRS8200X playback device (manufacturer – Wideband Systems, Inc., Silver Spring, Maryland), together with software and technical documentation (in the English language) for such playback device; and

2. Keyboard, mouse, and two interface cables for use with the Wideband DRS8200X playback device.

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