Year in Review

Across America, Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve is able to reach Reserve Component Service members and employers through more than 4,800 dedicated volunteers. During Fiscal Year (FY) 2011, volunteers executed and participated in 7,882 events across the nation. The range of events executed in FY 11 included: employers signing Statements of Support; awards presentations recognizing outstanding support; educating service members and employers on their rights and responsibilities under the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA); and addressing unemployment and underemployment of Reserve Component (RC) Service members through participation in employment-related events. Through these efforts, volunteers made a difference one service member or one employer at a time. Some of the highlights of volunteer efforts during FY 11 include:

Volunteer Hours  236,725
Number of Volunteers 4,824
Statements of Support 45,140
Patriot Awards  16,560
Service Members Briefed 473,891
Employers Briefed 153,062
USERRA Case Assigned 2,884

For more detailed information, please click the image below to download the complete FY 11 Year in Review.