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It's hard to understand how two married people can decide that they can't live together anymore. Divorce is never easy for the parents or the kids. But what's most important for you to remember is that whatever happens, it's nothing you can change, it isn't your fault, and your mom and dad still love you.

Ask your parents questions. You might be wondering how things will change for you and what things will stay the same. Let your parents know that you have questions and want to talk to them about the things that are worrying you. The more you talk with them about how you feel, the better they'll be able to help you get through this.

Start writing down your feelings. Write in a journal or draw pictures about your thoughts. Sometimes just getting your thoughts down on paper can make you feel a lot better.

Just love them. This is a hard time for everyone. The best thing you can do is love your parents like you always have and continue to let them know how you are feeling.

Remember you are loved. Divorce changes families and the way a family lives together, but it doesn't change the fact that your mom and dad love you and want to do what's best for you.

Talk to a trusted adult about how you're feeling. Some kids get angry at their parents. Others worry about what's going to happen in the future. Some are just glad their parents aren't arguing anymore. No matter how you feel, it can really help to find someone to talk to.


Helpful Tips

Divorce can mean that you may live further away from one parent after the divorce. Talk to your parents about ways to regularly stay in touch with the parent you are not living with. Maybe you can both send videos every week, have special nights to talk, and write letters between your times together.