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Intelligence Analysis

At the National Security Agency, intelligence analysis is the process of generating intelligence from data and information derived from foreign signals. Intelligence analysts are the Agency’s professionals whose research, analysis, and presentation of findings provide the most complete possible signals intelligence (SIGINT) picture.  SIGINT is used by U.S. policy makers, military commanders, and other Intelligence Community organizations to assist in Executive Branch decisions and actions.

Unique Responsibilities
The unique responsibilities of our Intelligence Analysts are broad, and cover the entire spectrum of information needs of our diverse customer set. Intelligence Analysts work in diverse environments that deal with a range of different issues of significance. Available individual assignments and opportunities are varied, but all share one important and exciting quality: they help protect the nation's security.

As an Intelligence Analyst, you may find yourself preparing written and oral assessments of current events based on the sophisticated collection, research, and analysis of both classified and unclassified information.

Intelligence Analysts solve difficult technical problems ... work independently in analysis and research ... ... apply new techniques to solve analytic problems ... demonstrate a knowledge of the communications environment and technology  trends of their targets ... and assess information  providing unique insight into target intentions unavailable from other intelligence disciplines.

NSA Intelligence Analysts possess interests in the relationships of history to current events, and appreciate the geographic, social, economic, and political issues that influence world events.

Our Intelligence Analysts expertly prepare reports for a variety of audiences that reflect outstanding critical thinking, comprehensive grasp of world events and the information needs of our customers.

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NSA E List | Know when NSA is visiting your area

Date Posted: Jan 15, 2009 | Last Modified: Sept 14, 2012 | Last Reviewed: Sept 22, 2009


National Security Agency / Central Security Service