Our Story

USTRANSCOM Command Video
September, 2012 | 8:43
Howdy, I'm Will Fraser, Commander of the United States Transportation Command. We are the Department of Defense Combatant Command responsible for moving and sustaining our Nation's military, anywhere, anytime. Simply put, we get our nation's forces where they need to be, when they need to be there, keep them supplied while they're engaged, and finally bring them home when their mission is complete.

TRANSCOM provides America's leaders with a strategic ability to move forces, equipment and supplies. Together with our components and commercial industry partners, we provide the capability to move massive amounts of forces, supplies, fuel, equipment or humanitarian support rapidly . . . to any place in the world. Providing worldwide air, land and sea transportation for the DoD is an incredible responsibility that we accomplish with a great deployment and distribution enterprise team.

We have a championship team, of active duty, Guard, Reserves, civil servants, merchant mariners, government agencies, contractors, and commercial industry partners. By attracting, developing, and rewarding the absolute best logistics professionals, we have built world class relationships with our enterprise partners. This is OUR world class team ... this is the TRANSCOM team. Together ... We deliver!

The enormity of the DoD transportation capability is evident in our daily operations. On any given day TRANSCOM and our components have 35 ships - both commercial and US Navy - loading, unloading or underway. We monitor 100 rail car movements, nearly 2,000 Household Goods shipments and almost 300 automobile shipments, 500 shipping containers of supplies, and more than 2,000 domestic freight shipments. Daily we track approximately 900 flights, including approximately 300 Air Force airlift flights, and more than 100 commercial cargo and passenger flights. We also conduct nearly 100 air refueling missions around the globe, and provide transportation for the President and other national leaders.

The TRANSCOM Defense Courier Division operates a global network of 18 courier stations. 235 couriers annually provide secure, timely and efficient distribution of more than eighty-thousand pieces of the nation's most sensitive national security materials to over 3600 customers worldwide.

Our worldwide transportation missions are accomplished by our three component commands: Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command, our Army component, located at Scott AFB, IL; Military Sealift Command, our Navy component, located in Washington DC; and Air Mobility Command, our Air Force component, also located at Scott AFB, IL. Additionally, TRANSCOM welcomed the Joint Enabling Capabilities Command in 2011 as a subordinate command, located in Norfolk, VA, as a subordinate command.

Military Surface Deployment and Distribution Command is the TRANSCOM Army component and is the DOD expert for planning, booking, shipping, and tracking cargo; including surface movement and port management. SDDC develops transportation and logistics support options by securing responsive, best-value distribution services as the coordinating link between DOD surface transportation requirements and industry capabilities.

Finally, SDDC is also the nation's largest customer of the commercial moving industry managing all DOD and many federal agencies' household goods moves.

Military Sealift Command is the TRANSCOM Navy component that provides sealift transportation services to deploy military equipment and supplies to U.S. forces around the globe. Sealift is the heavy mover for the Department of Defense, enabling the mobility of U.S. troops to theaters of operation all over the world.

MSC uses a fleet of government-owned and chartered U.S.-flagged ships to accomplish its sea transportation mission. In addition, MSC oversees a series of ship-operating contracts with the U.S. maritime industry under the Voluntary Intermodal Sealift Agreement. VISA is a contractual agreement with the U.S. commercial shipping industry to ensure that adequate sealift capacity exists when needed to support Department of Defense wartime missions.

MSC also operates a fleet of prepositioned ships strategically placed around the world. These ships, each laden with the first combat equipment and supplies needed by U.S. forces in time of war, remain ready to move to theater ports on short notice in forward areas.

Air Mobility Command is TRANSCOM's Air Force component, providing strategic and tactical airlift, air refueling and aeromedical evacuation services to deploy, sustain and redeploy U.S. and coalition forces wherever they are needed. AMC utilizes a fleet of organic airlift aircraft capable of carrying large, outsized cargo. The AMC fleet of aerial tankers provides in-flight refueling for deployment or increased battlespace endurance anywhere in the world. Strategic airlift aircraft are also capable of in-flight refueling, enabling AMC to deliver forces or equipment from the U.S. directly to the theater. AMC began the modernization of its tanker fleet with a contract award to Boeing for 179 KC-46A tankers. Delivery of the first operational KC-46A is scheduled for 2016.

TRANSCOM, as the DOD Single Manager for Patient Movement coordinates AMC's aeromedical evacuation mission to move wounded warriors from the battlefield directly to specialized care stateside.

AMC maintains and operates a fleet of special duty aircraft and operational support aircraft, including Air Force One. Additionally, AMC leverages commercial air carriers through the Civil Reserve Air Fleet. CRAF is a contractual agreement with US flag air carriers to move passengers and cargo for the Department of Defense in peacetime, with commitments to provide surge support to the Department in times of war. Air Mobility Command provides TRANSCOM a swift response capability as part of America's Global Reach.

The Joint Enabling Capabilities Command is the only provider of a Global Standing Joint Force Headquarters capability in the Department of Defense. In this capacity, the JECC deploys mission-tailored joint capability packages to combatant commanders who need to rapidly establish a Joint Force Headquarters. These interim headquarters enhance rapid execution of a full range of missions from natural disasters to contingency operations.

The United States Transportation Command will synchronize and deliver unrivaled, full-spectrum deployment and distribution solutions. We are committed to a Joint Deployment and Distribution Enterprise supporting our Nation, the President, the Secretary of Defense and the Combatant Commands with world class global mobility. With our components and commercial partners - together, we deliver!