Statement of Support Program

The Statement of Support Program is the cornerstone of ESGR’s effort to gain and maintain employer support for the Guard and Reserve. The intent of the program is to increase employer support by encouraging employers to act as advocates for employee participation in the military. Supportive employers are critical to maintaining the strength and readiness of the nation’s Guard and Reserve units.

The first Statement of Support was signed on December 13, 1972 in the Office of the Secretary of Defense by the Chairman of the Board of General Motors. President Nixon was the first President to sign a Statement of Support, and in 2005 every federal Cabinet Secretary and all federal agencies signed a Statement of Support to signify their continuing efforts to be model employers. Since its inception, hundreds of thousands of employers have signed Statements of Support, pledging their support to Guard and Reserve employees.

Employers signing a Statement of Support make the following commitments to their employees:

  • We fully recognize, honor and enforce the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA).
  • Our managers and supervisors will have the tools they need to effectively manage those employees who serve in the Guard and Reserve.
  • We appreciate the values, leadership and unique skills service members bring to the workforce and will encourage opportunities to hire Guardsmen, Reservists and Veterans.
  • We will continually recognize and support our country’s service members and their families in peace, in crisis and in war.

Join thousands of employers by signing a Statement of Support for the Guard and Reserve and display it prominently for all your employees and visitors to see. To participate, please complete our Statement of Support form.

To view a list of Supportive Employers in your state. Click on the state or territory below.

Select a State or Commonwealth

alaska hawaii hawaii guam guam puerto rico puerto rico florida georgia south carolina north carolina virginia virginia delaware delaware dc dc maryland maryland west virginia new jersey new jersey pennsylvania new york connecticut connecticut rhode island rhode island massachusettes massachusettes vermont vermont new hampshire new hampshire maine ohio alabama mississippi tennessee kentucky indiana illinois wisconsin michigan louisiana arkansas missouri iowa minnesota texas oklahoma kansas nebraska south dakota north dakota new mexico colorado arizona utah wyoming montana nevada idaho california oregon washington Virgin Island Virgin Island