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Health, Safety and Work-Life Directorate

Office of Work-Life Programs -
Family Readiness Program

Emergency Kit Tips and Checklists

Printer Friendly Kit Checklist

When disaster strikes, emergency responders - including Coast Guard personnel - address the most critical needs. While they work on behalf of the entire community, their families may be coping with the same or different emergencies at home. It is your responsibility to ensure your family’s well-being during times of crisis. Emergency kits are an essential tool for meeting that challenge.

Items in an emergency kitTo prepare your family for an emergency, get one or more emergency kits that include enough supplies for at least three days. Keep a kit prepared at home. Every family member should know where it is and be able to access it easily. Consider having kits in your car and at work. These kits will enable you and your family to respond to an emergency more quickly and will be useful whether you have to evacuate or shelter in place.

Here are some basic items to consider for a home emergency kit:

  • Water - at least one gallon per person per day for at least three days
  • Food - nonperishable food for at least three days
  • Manual can opener
  • First aid kit with dust masks, disinfectant, and prescription medications
  • Sanitation supplies such as moist towelettes, disinfectant, and garbage bags
  • Formula and diapers for any infants
  • Flashlight and extra batteries, battery-powered or hand-crank NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) weather radio and cell phone charger
  • Important documents - personal, financial, and insurance
  • Maps and your family emergency plan
  • Food, water, other supplies, and documents for any pets

In the event of an influenza pandemic, some extra precautions are in order:

  • Water, food, and prescription medicine supplies to cover two weeks
  • Hand wash with 60% - 95% alcohol content
  • Thermometer
  • Medicines for fever and diarrhea
  • Fluids with electrolytes
  • Facemasks

Many other items could prove helpful:

  • Fire extinguisher
  • Any tools needed to turn off utilities
  • Matches in a waterproof container
  • Paper plates, paper cups, plastic utensils, paper towels
  • Coats and rain gear
  • Sleeping bags or other bedding
  • A weather-appropriate change of clothes for each person
  • Books, games, puzzles, toys, and other activities for children

Additional items can be essential for those deployed or stationed abroad:

  • Passports
  • Birth abroad certificate for children born overseas
  • Cash in local currency
  • Card with local translations of basic terms

Emergency kits should be evaluated regularly to ensure they will provide your family with basic needs during the emergency situations. Remember to update supplies periodically as medications and food expire.

The Ready Campaign website ( also provides thorough checklists for emergency supply kits, as well as facts sheets about planning for children, pets, and other special needs.

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Last Modified 1/26/2012