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Demil B & Q Long Term Storage

In 2008, the Office of the Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (DUSD) established policy to strengthen controls to mitigate future security risks associated with the release or disposition of Demilitarization (DEMIL) Code B Munitions List Items (MLI), and Demilitarization Code Q Commerce Control List Items (CCLI) that are identified as sensitive for reasons of national security.   Certain categories of DEMIL Q items are considered to pose no risk to National Security and will be available for Reutilization/Transfer/Donation and Sales following normal procedures.

This guidance is applicable to all DEMIL Code B and DEMIL Code Q excess property located in the Continental US (CONUS), Alaska, Hawaii and Guam.  Other DLA Disposition Services overseas and CENTCOM field activities will continue to dispose of all DEMIL Code B and Q property after screening in accordance with current procedures. 

After DOD screening at the DLA Disposition Services Site, serviceable DEMIL B and sensitive DEMIL Q property will be transferred and held at the Long Term Storage Facility in Columbus for extended reutilization screening by DOD and approved Special Programs (i.e. Foreign Military Sales (FMS), Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) and Fire Fighters) customers. 

DEMIL B and sensitive DEMIL Q property can only be reutilized by authorized DOD components (Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps to include Guard and Reserve Units), and approved Special Programs (FMS, Law Enforcement Activities (LEAs) and Fire Fighters).  LTS property is available for screening on the DLA Disposition Services Web site @ https://www.DispositionServices.dla.mil/asset/govegeo1.html.   Property will be available for electronic screening only, no physical screening will be permitted at the LTS facility. 


Non-DOD individuals and organizational representatives can view a listing of assets being held at the LTS by accessing the link below:

DLA Disposition Services Public Search Form

B & Q Long Term Storage Inventory as of October 17, 2011

1 of 2 LTS 17 OCT 11
Not expired NSNs/LSNs 
(xlsx) - 8.0 MB
2 of 2 LTS 17 OCT 11
Obsolete/Shelf Life NSNs/LSNs 
(xlsx) - 5.4 MB

The sensitivity of DEMIL Q items is determined by the DOD Demilitarization Coding Management Office (DCMO).    Individuals or organizational representatives electing to challenge a DEMIL Code listed for a National Stock Number (NSN) or to challenge an item as being non-sensitive to National Security, may use the DCMO online web form to submit a Challenge request.  The submitter must provide all required information in the mandatory fields and as much supporting rationale and documentation or other industry standards to substantiate their cited justification.  Challenge request forms will be required for each NSN being challenged.  All Challenge requests will be reviewed by the DCMO to determine if the NSN is assigned the correct DEMIL Code and the appropriate DEMIL Integrity Code.  Submitters should allow for ample time for the DEMIL challenge team to process the request.  Further information on the Challenge process and the online request form can be found at:

( Request for Review and Verification of FLIS DEMIL Code (DEMIL Challenge)

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Email all suggestions to: DLA Disposition ServicesJ-322WebContentUpdates@dla.mil

Page updated 11.02.2011 (rs)