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Mental Health and Behavior Resources

Click on any of the titles below to go directly to the Web site for the resource listed.
A mental wellness resource for service members, veterans and military families that offers assistance to address after-deployment concerns.

American Psychological Association
An online resource for brochures, tips and articles on the psychological issues that affect your physical and emotional well-being, as well as information about referrals.

Coast Guard Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
A support system for all employees of the U.S. Coast Guard (military, civilian and their families) with personal, family or job-related problems. The Coast Guard has adopted the EAP to help members proactively address their concerns and manage problems throughout their careers. The EAP counseling services provides a confidential means to improve life skills or obtain help before a concern becomes a crisis to uniformed members and civilians and their families.

Courage to Care
An electronic health campaign for military and civilian professionals serving the military community, as well as for military men, women and families. Courage to Care consists of electronic fact sheets on timely health topics relevant to military life that provide actionable information.

Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)
Offers enhanced enrollment benefits and a full range of VA health care services to eligible veterans (including Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom veterans) for five years after discharge from the military.
The American Psychiatric Association's online resource for anyone seeking mental health information. Here you will find information on many common mental health concerns, including warning signs of mental disorders, treatment options and preventative measures. 

Hooah4 Health
The U.S. Army health promotion and wellness web site specifically targeted to members of the National Guard and Reserve.

Offers service members who are currently receiving mental health treatment a bridge of support between health care providers when they transfer to a new location or separate from active service. The program may be accessed by service members or referring mental health providers by calling 1-800-424-7877, in the United States including Alaska and Hawaii; or 1-800-424-4685 outside the United States. Individuals outside the U.S. may also call collect 1-314-387-4700.

Medal of Honor Speak Out
Our nation's greatest heroes - Medal of Honor recipients - speak out to save lives by encouraging America's military to seek help when adjusting to life after combat, particularly for post-traumatic stress.

Military Kids Connect
A highly interactive Web site created by psychologists at the DoD's National Center for Telehealth and Technology that helps children of deployed parents cope with the stress, changing responsibilities, and concern for the safety of their parents.

Military OneSource
An internet-based family assistance program that offers personalized advice and support on many kinds of issues, such as relationship problems, spouse employment, and other mental health issues. Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for active duty service members and their families.

Military Pathways
A mental health self-assessment tool designed for you to review your situation with regard to some of the more common mental health issues. The screening will not provide a diagnosis - for that you need to see a professional. But, it will tell you whether or not you have symptoms that are consistent with a condition or concern that would benefit from further evaluation or treatment. It will also give you guidance as to where you might seek assistance.

National Institute of Mental Health
The largest scientific organization in the world dedicated to research focused on the understanding, treatment, and prevention of mental disorders and the promotion of mental health.

Navy and Marine Corps Public Health Center
Health promotion Web site featuring a section called "Minding Your Mental Healthâ„¢."

Operation Healthy Reunions
Provides education and helps combat the stigma of behavioral health issues among service members, their families, and medical staff.

Operation Live Well
A site operated by the Department of Defense dedicated to the health and resilience of individuals and families throughout the military community.

Real Warriors
The Real Warriors Campaign is an initiative launched by the Defense Centers of Excellence for Psychological Health and Traumatic Brain Injury (DCoE) to promote the processes of building resilience, facilitating recovery and supporting reintegration of returning service members, veterans and their families.

Resilience Training
Reflects a strength-based, positive psychology approach to Warrior behavioral health. It is designed for Warriors, leaders, spouses, families and behavioral health providers. Training and information is targeted to all phases of the Warrior deployment cycle, Warrior life cycle and Warrior support system.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Reducing the impact of substance abuse and mental illness on America's communities.

Telemental Health Services
As part of the TRICARE Telemedicine benefit, the regional contractors use medically-supervised, secure audio-visual conferencing to link beneficiaries with offsite providers.  TRICARE's regional contractors have established networks of telemental health originating sites for beneficiaries, and networks of offsite providers who can evaluate, treat and refer you as necessary via video. If you are near an originating site, you may use the telemental health program for all aspects of behavioral health services including psychotherapy and medication management. Currently, telemental health services are only available in the United States.  Check with your regional contractor for more information.

Last Modified: October 4, 2012

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