April 10-12, 2012

Eclipse of the West?

1945 was said to launch “The American Century.” If that weren’t enough, 1991 was proclaimed “The Unipolar Moment.” Yet almost at once that title escalated to “The Unipolar Era.” Can the United States already have moved from that pinnacle through decline all the way to eclipse, eclipse not just of the United States but of the entire West?

Voices from both East and West declare we have. This conference will examine the question by surveying the global scene and asking where if not the West are the sources of security, prosperity, stability, innovation, discovery and leadership? If the West is due to yield to a successor, who will that successor be and will they seek to displace, to dominate or to replicate the West’s achievement?

What Is NAFAC?

Established in 1961, the Naval Academy Foreign Affairs Conference brings together more than 150 undergraduate students from the United States and over a dozen foreign countries every year for three days of critical discussions, lectures, informal exchanges, and social events.