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National Nursing Home Survey

Survey Results and Products


Data Highlights from the National Nursing Home Survey


NCHS Publications and Data Products Using Long-Term Data According to LTC Setting:

This is a descriptive list of all NCHS data products and reports using Long-Term Care (LTC) Statistics data.  LTC data products and reports are listed from the National Master Facility Inventory (NMFI)-health facilities, National Nursing Home Survey (NNHS), National Nursing Assistant Survey (NNAS), National Home and Hospice Care Survey (NHHCS), National Home Health Aide Survey (NHHAS), and the National Survey of Residential Care Facilities (NSRCF).  This document will be updated periodically to accurately report all available data products and reports. [PDF- 301 KB]


NCHS Databriefs


National Health Statistics Reports


Advance Data


Vital and Health Statistics, Series 1


Vital and Health Statistics, Series 13




National Nursing Home Survey graphic

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  • Long-term Care Statistics Branch
    Division of Health Care Statistics
    National Center for Health Statistics
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    Hyattsville, MD 20782
  • (301) 458-4747
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