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Click on the questions below to view their answers.

20 Most Recently Added/Updated Questions

To ensure you remain current on TRICARE program information, be sure to visit often to view added and updated questions and answers.

  • I'm currently enrolled in the US Family Health Plan (USFHP). Can I continue to receive care from the USFHP for the services authorized for the 180 days of Transitional Care For Service-Related Conditions (TCSRC) Program?
  • Where can I go for care under the Transitional Care For Service-Related Conditions (TCSRC) Program?
  • Where can I get more information on the Transitional Care For Service-Related Conditions (TCSRC) Program?
  • I had surgery done on an injury sustained while on active duty. I received authorization for 180 days of Transitional Care For Service-Related Conditions (TCSRC). I paid out-of-pocket cost shares/copays for this condition before I got approved. Can I get reimbursed on my previous out-of-pocket costs?
  • I'm a Medicare-eligible former active duty service member. Do I file my claims with Medicare for care authorized under the Transitional Care For Service-Related Conditions (TCSRC) Program?
  • Who is eligible for the Transitional Care For Service-Related Conditions (TCSRC) benefit?
  • What is covered under the Transitional Care For Service-Related Conditions benefit (TCSRC)?
  • Will there be any out-of-pocket cost during my Transitional Care For Service-Related Conditions (TCSRC) benefit period?
  • If I am approved for the Transitional Care For Service-Related Conditions Program (TCSRC), when does my coverage begin and end and what if I am no longer in my Transitional Assistance Management Program (TAMP) benefit period?
  • I went to get a prescription filled for my Transitional Care For Service-Related Conditions (TCSRS) medical condition. The pharmacy told me I had to pay up front and file a claim. I thought I wouldn't have any co-pays or cost shares for my medications during my Transitional Care For Service-Related Conditions (TCSRC) benefit period?
  • How do I apply for the coverage under the Transitional Care For Service-Related Conditions (TCSRC) Program?
  • What is the Transitional Care for Service-Related Conditions (TSCRC) Program?
  • If I use a either TRICARE-certified licensed retail pharmacy outlet or TRICARE-certified hospital-based pharmacy in the Philippines to get my prescriptions filled, who files the claim for reimbursement?
  • Does the Philippine Demonstration affect dental providers who are part of the TRICARE Dental Program or TRICARE Retiree Dental Program?
  • Is there a pharmacy demonstration under the Philippine Demonstration?
  • Under the Philippine Demonstration, do I have to pay my cost-shares upfront? What if there are additional charges after the procedure/admission?
  • I was referred by my approved provider in Pampanga to a specialist in Manila who is also on the approved provider list but in Manila. Will TRICARE cost share on this claim under the Philippines Demonstration?
  • I have separate mailing address and physical address. Can I change my mailing address to my physical address to receive care under the Philippines Demonstration? It might not be a good idea knowing the unreliability of the Philippine postal system.
  • I reside in the demonstration area but I have been using my Retired Activities Offices’ PO Box address (FPO AP). Can I use the benefits under the Philippine Demonstration?
  • I am a provider in the Philippines and would like to volunteer to become an approved provider under the Philippine Demonstration, what do I need to do?

    Top 20 Most Viewed Questions
  • Who is eligible for TRICARE For Life (TFL)?
  • How much does TRICARE Reserve Select coverage cost?
  • Does TRICARE pay for the shingles vaccine?
  • Does TRICARE Prime cover routine eye exams?
  • Does TRICARE cover seasonal flu vaccines?
  • How do I enroll in the TRICARE Dental Program?
  • What is TRICARE For Life (TFL)?
  • How much will I pay for my prescriptions under the TRICARE Pharmacy Program?
  • The new health care bill allows adult children to stay on their parent’s health care plan until age 26 if their employers don’t offer insurance. Does TRICARE offer this same coverage?
  • Does TRICARE cover long term care?
  • How does the National Health Care Reform affect TRICARE?
  • I thought TRICARE For Life (TFL) was supposed to pay my medical bills in full. Sometimes that doesn’t happen. Would you please clarify how the system works?
  • Does TRICARE Standard/Extra cover routine eye exams?
  • I am a retired uniformed service member. I am going through a divorce and I want to know if my soon to be former spouse will continue to be eligible for health coverage & prescription benefits through TRICARE?
  • I heard that my TRICARE benefits will no longer be available when the TriWest contract ends in April 2013! How can this be?
  • I am a military retiree (or military retiree spouse) who recently started a new job. My new employer offers a comprehensive employer sponsored health care plan. As a military retiree, they are familiar with TRICARE, and have offered me an additional $3000 per year to opt out of their plan and use my TRICARE benefit, as well as pay for a TRICARE supplement to cover me and my family’s cost share. This benefit is only offered to TRICARE eligible. Is this a lawful incentive?
  • How does the TRICARE Young Adult program work?
  • How much does TRICARE Young Adult coverage cost?
  • I’m enrolled in TRICARE Prime. My primary care manager is a civilian network provider. During my appointment, the billing office asked me if they should file my claim using my Department of Defense (DoD) Benefits Number, or my sponsor’s social security number (SSN). What do I tell them?
  • How do I buy TRICARE Young Adult coverage?

  • Department of Defense Seal

    http://www.tricare.mil is the official web site of the TRICARE Management Activity a component of the Military Health System 7700 Arlington Boulevard, Suite 5101, Falls Church, VA 22042-5101