Wednesday, November 17, 2010

TSA has not, will not and our Advanced Imaging Technology (AIT) cannot store images of passengers

The Drudge report recently linked to this article with the very misleading headline: “TSAXXX: Naked Body Scans Leak Online” This is about the US Marshal Service (NOT Federal Air Marshal Service) storing Advanced Imaging Technology images at a Florida courthouse checkpoint (Not a TSA checkpoint). This has led many to ask if TSA is doing the same.  As we’ve stated from the beginning, TSA has not, will not and the machines cannot store images of passengers at airports. The equipment sent by the manufacturer to airports cannot store, transmit or print images and operators at airports do not have the capability to activate any such function. You can read our blog post on this subject from earlier this summer. Or you can read the US Marshals Service Press Release on this matter. 

Blogger Bob
TSA Blog Team


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Brian said...

I'm sure TSA can't prevent every camera from getting in the booth unless they're screening each officer every time they enter.

The saving issue is unimportant.

Anonymous said...

"I'm a software engineer. Give me 5 minuets with the ATI machine, I'll make it save images and post them to my facebook page.

All computers can save stuff. Period."

That's a bold statement. Contact Rapiscan Systems and ask them if they would take your challenge on. Oh the unit you will be testing against will not have internet access and is not networked with any other computer, but please see what you can do in 5 minutes.

I am sure they would be interested in seeing how good their security is.

Anonymous said...

"Matt Hurley said...

Why are you LYING to the American people, Bob? The US Marshal Service uses the SAME scanner."

Uhhh it took my all of 2 minutes of Google searching to prove you wrong.

The US Marshals use the Gen 2 system, manufactured by Brijot Systems, to screen individuals entering the federal courthouse in Orlando, Fla.

The TSA use ProVision™ Advanced Imaging Technology and Rapiscan Systems Backscatter X-Ray scanner.

They are the same technology but not the same scanner. (Insert witty observation about people against the scanners and pat-downs ignorance, but in a way that it does not violate the blog's policy on comments here.)

Anonymous said...

LOL! Just read your Myth/Fact section and I have to say that it was humorous as well as infuriating. As a Civil Master, you wouldn't lie to us would you, Bob?

Yes, you would. So would your masters in the government.

The fact is that none of you can be trusted.

Anonymous said...

Don't worry the American people will just sit back and watch as its rights and privacy are striped away.

I think we should all just agree that flying naked would be the safest thing and is therefore the best.

Anonymous said...

We have always been at war with Eurasia.

Old NFO said...

You are full of it... Your own RFP has a requirement to store/save images written into the RFP- and since it runs on Windows, ANY windows machine can save a screen shot with tow keystrokes.

Anonymous said...

The response to all these TSA lies is simple: opt out of the porno-scanner, then file a complaint when groped.

kdt said...

Bob - we don't believe you. Sorry, but there are just too many instances where the government has lied to us about what personal information it keeps, and who has access to it. In the words of The Who, "We won't get fooled again ..."

Travis said...

We don't believe you, Bob. We've seen pictures from these machines. Regardless of who's operating them, be it the TSA or third-party agents, the machines have the capability to store and transmit these images.

Whatever happened to "innocent until proven guilty"? Remove these invasive, illegal searches and restore America to her true position as the land of the free!

Anonymous said...

Let's assume, for the sake of argument, that the images are deleted. Even then, they still remain in the computer, and can be retrieved.
By the way, do your screeners undergo a search at the end of their shift, just to make sure they are not leaving with property, digital or otherwise, that does not belong to them?

Anonymous said...

I am sure TSA is lying. I am sure your employees are saving these pornographic images to giggle over, and to pass around to their friends, and sooner or later these images will appear on Facebook.

Ken said...

please post on the TSA website exactly what a "pat-down" is so I can decide if I wish to place myself or my children through this or not. thank you

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I just read all the threads since Monday on this site (it took a LONG time)

Bob, there are NO postive Atta Boy, thanks for keeping us safe posts. This is a red flag friend.

I've cancelled ALL my future flights. My company is very unhappy.

Anonymous said...

"Rectal exams for all travelers!-it just makes good security sense."

Future post on the TSA blog by you know who.

Anonymous said...

Sigh..Bob, Bob, Bob..

I just don't know what to say anymore. Come on - surely you can do better than this?

Goodness, you really expect us to believe this?

I'm all for a good debate. But its like me saying I'm typing this from the back of a rocket propelled pony while being fed grapes by space aliens. It just isn't believable.


Anonymous said...

i'm from the government, you can trust me.

RJ Ryan said...

Nobody believes a word you say. Can you really blame us? :(

I hope when you go home at night, Bob, you hate this situation as much as we do. I don't want my relationship with my government to be this antagonistic. Why does it have to be?

SF Flyer said...

What about cameras and smart phones of employees? I'm sure you confiscate those from them before they start their shifts, right?


Brooks said...

I'm curious just how/if the u.s. government will regain the trust of the public . Doe's the government even recognize that the trust of the public towards the government has been broken ? If we cannot trust you then how exactly do you expect us to just go along with what you command us to do ? This cannot continue to go on like this....something will break eventually...

Anonymous said...

Why must you enable comment moderation? Of what is TSA afraid?
You can't spell insanity without TSA.

Anonymous said...

When the inevitable happens and some of these pictures get released (either as copied digital files, or as a picture taken of the screen), what lie are you going to tell then?

To say that because you forbid officers to take cameras into your porn viewing room, that they can't do it is laughable. Do you really believe that because you told someone not to do something it's impossible for it to happen?

I suppose you also believe that because an employee is told not to steal, that it is IMPOSSIBLE for that person to steal. Or because you tell someone not to do drugs, that it is IMPOSSIBLE for them to do drugs. Or because you tell a kid he has to do his homework, that it is IMPOSSIBLE for him not to do it?

Unless you have an independent 3rd party strip searching each TSO before they go in said room, you are doing NOTHING to prevent pictures from getting out.

The TSA better start figuring out what lie you are going to tell Congress and the American people now. You have at best a few months before a picture of a naked passenger taken by a TSO gets out.

You better pray to whatever god you believe in that it isn't a picture of a naked child taken by a pedophile TSO. Because if it is, lots of people (I use that term loosely) at the TSA are going to wish they were dead.

If TSO's feel they are abused and mistreated now..

....just wait until that backscatter porn leaks out. You haven't seen anything yet.

It is only a matter of time.....

Anonymous said...

When TSA finally finds a "needle" in the haystack, are we to believe that no image will be saved to assist in prosecuting that needle? Yeah, right. I believe you.

fran drake said...

The TSA should do like Israel....which is to profile and screen accordingly....we have become so politically correct in the USA that ALL innocent citizens are now treated like guilty parties... In Israel, you are profiled and screened accordingly, so a middle aged, overweight woman from the South is not groped....this is left for others who meet "the profile" of a troublemaker.

Anonymous said...

No one believes you. So much of this blog is just TSA propaganda and lies. And this claim about not being able to store images is just a flat-out lie.

Anonymous said...

The AITs are the first & primary screening device used by TSA. As such they have an evidentiary role in cases where anomalies are found by such a scan. You had better believe that when an anomaly is found that the agent operating the AIR device will push a button or click on a mouse, and the image-as-evidence, with date & time stamp,airport, terminal, and checkpoint ID will be recorded & saved for delivery to investigators prosecutors.

These are electronic & digital imaging devices; it is ludicrous for TSA to tell us that they are incapable of capturing images. Inherently absurd.

Anonymous said...

Well I have to admit I have no plans to fly again under current conditions. Glad I don't mind driving.

Anonymous said...

Out and out bald faced lies from a run amok US government.

Anonymous said...

Why does the TSA continue to state the scanners are unable to store images when the procurement docs state the machines are required to have the ability to store images?

Anonymous said...

Sent this question to TSA, got a response that did not answer the question about privacy. So the person viewing the image is in communications with the person at the AIT. Does TSA monitor their communications to make sure it's appropriate? What I'm wondering is if there's this "whoa, you would have loved to see this" going on?

Asked what is the policy for preventing TSA employees talking about what they see in the AIT scan? Do they get to go to coffee together? Are they prohibited from telling family members and friends what they saw?

TSA employees should be under the same rules as health care workers. Divulge info and there's a fine. Can't seem to get an answer on this....

Anonymous said...

this is a reason why i dont want to fly anymore. sooner or later TSA employees gonna find a way to get these pictures and keep it/post it online. its just a matter of time.

Dr Libby said...

I still don't want to reveal everything underneath just to fly on an airplane

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