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When you are deployed, your health care needs will be met, whatever they are. It's important that your family knows what TRICARE plan they are using and how to access care while you're gone.  Here's a quick checklist you can use to get your family TRICARE-ready during your extended absence:

Paperwork:  Make sure your spouse can take care of things while you're gone

  • Leave a copy of your orders for your spouse
  • Prepare a Power of Attorney so that your spouse can make changes or update information in your absence
  • If you want your spouse to have access to your medical records and personal health information while you are away, you must fill out paperwork giving them permission.
  • Make any necessary financial arrangements (allotments, automatic bill paying, etc.)

Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS):  DEERS registration is key in determining TRICARE eligibility

  • Keep family member information updated in DEERS at all times
  • Show your spouse how to make changes in DEERS in case he or she needs to while you're gone
  • Get identification (ID) cards updated if they are about to expire

TRICARE:  Make sure your spouse knows the TRICARE basics

  • Make a list of important phone numbers 
  • Review your family's TRICARE plan information so they know how to access care in your absence
  • Discuss how and where prescriptions can be filled



Last Modified:December 15, 2010