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Special Property Disposal Process - Page 1


DLA Disposition Services request that its customers do their part in identification and ensure proper processing, as outlined in DODM 4160.28-M-V1 - 3.

Some property, because of its peculiar nature, its potential influence on public health, safety, the environment, security, or private industry, must be disposed of in other than a normal fashion.


Property requiring special handling or processing


For more information on the following property types, review Property requiring special handling or processing (.pdf)

Flight Safety Critical Aircraft Parts (FSCAP)
Lost, Abandoned or Unclaimed Privately Owned Property
Metalworking Machines (MM) (FSG 34)
Non appropriated Fund (NAF)/Surcharge Property
Safes and Related Equipment and Combination Padlocks
Munitions List Items/Commercial Control List Items (MLI/CCLI):


*Warning*  M- Series Vehicles * Warning*


Radioactive material caution sign

WARNING M-Series Vehicles

When turning in M-Series Vehicles see attached NIIN list.  Turn in of any vehicle that matches NIINS on the list requires a Radiation Officers certification (Attached) that the radium dials are removed.

Warning message

Consolidated list of M35 Vehicles 30 Nov 2009

Consolidated list of M35 Vehicles 30 Nov 2009 by DLA Disposition Services Site


Disposition of DoD IT Equipment


Excess IT Equipment

Turn-in Guide for Disposition of Unclassified Computer Hard Drives (.pdf)

Assistant Secretary of Defense Memorandum (.pdf) 
Assistant Secretary of Defense Memorandum Amendment (.pdf)

For your use, DLA has developed a label, based on the information required in Attachment 4 of the June 4, 2001 ASD Memorandum. This is an optional form.  Please note that it also contains a block to check, if you are turning in housings where the hard drive(s) have been removed.   This form can be printed on sticky labels, i.e., Avery 5164 or Pres-a-ply 30604.

Computer Hard Drive Certificate

DLIS Form 1867 (.pdf)
      Jul 2007, 6 Labels, non-replicating fields (.pdf  Fillable Form)

DLIS Form 1867 (.pdf)
      Jul 2007, 6 Labels, replicating fields (.pdf  Fillable Form)

DLIS Form 1867 (.pdf)
      Oct 2002, 2 Labels, non-replicating fields (.pdf  Fillable Form)


Refrigeration Equip. & Appliances


Refrigeration Equip. & Appliances
The Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990, Section 608.c, prohibit the intentional venting or releasing of ozone depleting refrigerants or their blends or substitute refrigerants to the environment.



FCA Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) Information

DLA Disposition Services is currently serving only those FCAs that have an established MOA. No new MOA agreements are being signed at this time. Check this link FCA MOA Status (.xls) to view current FCA MOA agreements on file at DLA Disposition Services.

For FCA MOA Questions please contact:
* MOAs - email FCAMOA  or call (269) 961-5787
* Tab Rate & Billing - call (269) 961-7301

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For updates or improvements to this page
Email all suggestions to: DLA Disposition ServicesJ-322WebContentUpdates@dla.mil

Page updated 08.28.2012 (rs)