Welcome to the redesigned Navigation Information Connection website.
Please look around the new site by clicking on any of the links below.
The menu along the top links to external items associated with the Navigation Information Connection website.
If there was information on the old NIC website that is no longer present on the redesigned site, please let us know by going to and filling out the Feedback form on the website.

What's New

* NEW WEBSITE CORPSLOCKS.USACE.ARMY.MIL *********** Locks are no longer entering data into OMNI

Vessel Information

Upper Mississippi and Ohio River System (Static Reports) Upper Mississippi and Ohio River System (Dynamic Reports)
Vessel Locations / Vessel Queued Locate a Vessel

Lock Conditions

Upper Mississippi River Division (Static Reports) Upper Mississippi and Illinois Rivers (Dynamic Reports)
Mississippi River /Illinois Waterway (6am) (with pictures) Lock Conditions
Illinois Waterway (6am) (with pictures) Vessel Location / Queued Vessels
Mississippi River (6am) Tow Performance
Mississippi River /Illinois Waterway (updated) (with pictures) Generate Reports
Illinois Waterway (updated) (with pictures) Report Directory
Mississippi River (updated) Great Lakes and Ohio River Division
  Additional Navigation Reports
Daily Traffic - Key Locks
La Grange
Today, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday Today, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday
Additional Lock Reports & Information
Rock Island District Highwater Lock Information - Illinois and Mississippi Rivers

River Conditions

Rivergages.com Bridge Clearance Calculator
Missouri River Division Water Control Dartmouth Flood Observatory
Mobile District Water Control Ohio River Navigation Reports
National Weather Service Hydrologic Information Center USGS - Water Resources of the United States
St. Paul District Hydrographic Surveys Electronic Navigation Charts
Rock Island District Hydrographic Surveys Mississippi River at Lock and Dam 15 Webcam
St. Louis District Hydrographic Surveys
New Orleans District Hydrographic Surveys

Other Useful Links (Non-Corps)

America's Waterway Watch America's Waterway Watch River Industry Bulletin Board River Industry Bulletin Board

Questions and Comments

Mississippi River POC
(309) 794-4512
Illinois Waterway POC
(309) 676-4601 x210
Website Technical POC
  Locks and Dams Phone Numbers  
  General Corps POC
(309) 794-4200

External Link Disclaimer

Solely for ease of reference to related data, this site contains hyperlinks to a number of external web sites and/or information created and maintained by other public or private entities. The US Army Corps of Engineers neither controls nor guarantees the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of any external sites or information, and the agency expressly reserves sole discretion to establish or remove external links from the server at any time. Further, the inclusion of links to particular external sites is not intended to reflect their importance or to endorse any views expressed, products or services offered on those sites, or the organizations sponsoring the sites.

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