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Other (Non-NWS) Software Links

At the request of the private meteorological community, the NWS Industrial Meteorology Staff is posting known URL's for government, military, university, and commercial software (including freeware and shareware) that may be of assistance in viewing and validating various NWS datastreams.

DISCLAIMER This government, military, and university software is in the public domain and is furnished "as is." The accompanying list of software is purely intended as informational with no implied endorsement. For further information on the software, you will need to contact the providers directly.

Calmet Software Directory, Edinburgh University, Scotland

Advection Module from Calmet
Ageostrophic Motion Module from Calmet
Cloud Indentification Module from Calmet
Directory of Calmet Educational Software
Vorticity Module from Calmet

Internet Weather Software Libraries:

Weather Net Software Archive
Meteorological/Astronomical Software from Pennsylvania State University
Weather Software Links
Weather Graphics
TV Weather Software links

Commercial and other Software Links:

Ambient Software.
APR Weather
Best of the Web - Meteorology
Boltek Lightning Detectors - DOS\WIN Versions Available
Hurricane by Kitty Code
IPS Meteostar
Meteocode Software
Praxis Software
Severe Weather Forecaster
Storm Laboratory
Weather Depot
Weather Display
Weather Log
Weather Message
Weather Workstation 3.0
Weather Graphics, Digital Atmosphere, Global Tracks, Surface and Upper Air Archives, Digital Chart
WeatherView Software for most all Weather Stations
WRF Model for Windows
WXSIM Weather Model

Weather Satellite Software (WEFAX/HF/Polar, etc...)

Weather Satellite Software

ACARS Software (Avaition Weather conditions: wind speed and direction, temperature and turbulence information)

WACARS Version 0.6
AirNav ACARS Software

Macintosh Software


UNIX Based Materials

SSEC's McIDAS, McIDAS-Lite, Vis5D, VisAD Software
MM5 Model Source Code
ARPS Software from CAPS
GRADS Software also MSDOS Version and WIN95 Versions
Unidata Software - GEMPAK, McIDAS, WXP
SOO/Science Training Resource Center Software Packages

Meteorological Training Material

COMET Education and Training Materials
Weather and Software Tutorial

Software Search Engines: (Search Weather)

If you know of an appropriate link to be added to the above list, please send the information to:

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US Dept of Commerce
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Weather Service
Strategic Planning and Policy Office
1325 East West Highway
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Page last modified: March 18, 2008
Page Author: Strategic Planning and Policy Office
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