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TRICARE Pharmacy Program

TRICARE provides a world-class pharmacy benefit to all eligible uniformed service members, retirees, and family members, including beneficiaries age 65 and older.

Pharmacy Coverage
Your coverage is the same regardless your beneficiary category or which health plan option you are using. The TRICARE Pharmacy Program is available worldwide, however there are some limitations to having your prescriptions filled in some overseas areas.

TRICARE offers four convenient ways to fill your prescriptions:

  1. Military Pharmacy
  2. TRICARE Retail Network Pharmacy
  3. TRICARE Pharmacy Home Delivery
  4. Non-network Pharmacy (only recommended if no other option is available)

Learn more about filling prescriptions.

Pharmacy Contractor
TRICARE has partnered with Express Scripts, Inc. (Express Scripts) to provide home delivery and retail network pharmacy services.

Script Your Future!

Learn about a new national campaign to raise awareness among patients about the health consequences of not taking medication as directed at

Enrolled in the US Family Health Plan?

Remember, you will fill prescriptions through your US Family Health Plan's pharmacies, either onsite, network or mail-order, depending on what pharmacy options are available with your plan.  You will not access military treatment facility pharmacies or TRICARE's other pharmacy options. To learn about your prescription drug coverage, enter your profile.

Last Modified:April 5, 2012