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Cargo and Seaport Photography
Port of Long Beach CA.A CBP Officer inspects a Truck at a Port for Radioactive Material.A CBP Officer at the Port of Long Beach inspects a childs' toy to see that it meets the requirements for lawful entry into the United States.A CBP Officer search products coming into the U.S. as Cargo.A CBP Officer directs a truck with a seaport container to an inspection area at a port.Childrens products that are counterfiet are seized as Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) violationsCargo is removed from an incoming ship newly arrived at the Port of Los Angeles/Long Beach. This is the largest and busiest port in the U.S., handling about 45 percent of all containers incoming into Customs and Border Protection.The Port of Los Angeles/Long Beach is the largest and busiest port in the U.S., handling about 45 percent of all containers incoming into Customs and Border Protection.CBP Agriculture Specialists search products coming into the U.S. as food products in Cargo.CBP Officers search products coming into the U.S. as Cargo.A CBP Officer displays a large bag of seized currency.A CBP Officer displays a large bag of seized counterfeit Viagra phamaceuticals.A CBP Officer displays a siezed weapon.Import Specialist at the Port of Long Beach inspects a childs' toy to see that it meets the requirements for lawful entry into the United States.Checking cargo coming into the U.S. by ship requires good organization and planning.Cargo arrives at a seaport by truck to be loaded onto outbound ships.A CBP officer prioritizes arriving cargo.CBP officers take a moment to discuss strategies for searching arriving cargo.Seaport containers are removed from a ship for further inspection.With a mobile truck x-ray a seaport container is checked for contraband.A CBP officer looks at an x-ray of an entire truck for potential contraband.A CBP officer watches a monitor as he operates a mobile truck x-ray over a seaport container.Two CBP officers unload pallets of cargo to be x-rayed.Commercial items are thoroughly checked by CBP officers.A Canine Officer routinely checks a warehouse with a bomb sniffing dog.Two CBP officers check outbound military items.Customs and Border Protection has the capability to check and evaluate hazardous materials.A CBP officer checks for specific chemicals in arriving cargo.This CBP officer uses a high tech device to quot;peekquot; inside a drum for contraband.To effectively search cargo a CBP officer needs the right tool.A team of CBP officers board a ship to check cargo and check foreign workers.A CBP officer meets with the Captain of a cargo ship for a routine check of documents.
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Cargo and Seaport Photography
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 Airports Photography
 Landports Photography
 Canine Enforcement Training Center Photography
 CBP Field Operations Academy
 Protecting America's Agricultural Resources Photography

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