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In the event of a natural or man-made disaster, DoD directives stipulate that the Agency achieve 100% personnel accountability. Normal personnel accountability begins with the activation of your Directorate phone trees/recall roster. However, in the event this measure fails, employees should use one or more of the following methods of communication to report their status and whereabouts.

1. Your first priority is to contact your supervisor. If you cannot contact your supervisor, use the following steps in order of appearance until you are accounted for,

a. Contact the Personnel Accountability Representative (PAR) within your directorate.
b. Report your status via the web utilizing the DISA Personnel Accountabililty form.
c. Send your status via e-mail to disa.meade.mps.mbx.mps-pers-acct-rep@mail.mil. Provide your name, status, location, contact #, directorate and supervisors name.
d. Contact DISA COOP (301) 744-5838/5881/5850 to leave a message reference your current status. Be prepared to provide your name, status, location, contact #, directorate and supervisors name.
e. Contact the DISA Personnel Accountability Hotline (voice mail) (301) 225-1600 or (301) 225-4040, option 1 to leave a message reference your current status. Be prepared to provide your name, status, location, contact #, directorate and supervisors name.

2. If unsuccessful with any of the above methods, contact the WHS Toll Free Personnel Locator Hotline 1-877-521-1923 to leave a message reference your current status. Be prepared to provide your: name, status, location, contact #, directorate and supervisors name.

As a reminder - mission essential personnel will man non-combat support positions critical to the DISA mission. Non-mission essential personnel should remain at home station (work), at home (telework), or shelter in place to await further instructions. Employees should remain ready to augment relocated mission essential staff, as required.