U.S. Department of Commerce


Selected Characteristics of Persons 16 to 74: 2003

Table 1.  Selected Characteristics of Civilians 16 to 74 Years Old With a Work Disability,
by Educational Attainment and Sex: 2003
(Numbers in thousands)

                                                                With a work disability
                                                  Total               Not severe              Severe
                                           ____________________  ____________________  ____________________
                                                        Percent               Percent               Percent
                                    Total     Number   of total     Number   of total     Number   of total

  16 to 24 years old               35,779      1,395        3.9        471        1.3        924        2.6
Less than 7th grade                   450         54       12.0          3        0.8         50       11.2
7th to 8th grade                      751         55        7.3          9        1.1         46        6.1
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)     13,371        594        4.4        185        1.4        410        3.1
High school graduate                8,245        436        5.3        137        1.7        299        3.6
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree     10,730        229        2.1        120        1.1        109        1.0
Bachelor's degree or more           2,232         27        1.2         17        0.8         10        0.4

  25 to 34 years old               38,945      2,173        5.6        656        1.7      1,517        3.9
Less than 7th grade                 1,197         96        8.0         21        1.8         75        6.2
7th to 8th grade                      539         61       11.3          8        1.5         53        9.8
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)      3,335        341       10.2         62        1.9        278        8.3
High school graduate               11,306        908        8.0        215        1.9        692        6.1
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree     10,848        564        5.2        251        2.3        313        2.9
Bachelor's degree or more          11,720        204        1.7         99        0.8        105        0.9

  35 to 44 years old               43,795      3,708        8.5      1,115        2.5      2,593        5.9
Less than 7th grade                 1,199        155       12.9         18        1.5        137       11.4
7th to 8th grade                      626        111       17.7         10        1.6        101       16.1
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)      3,450        619       17.9        115        3.3        504       14.6
High school graduate               13,857      1,406       10.2        393        2.8      1,013        7.3
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree     11,801      1,002        8.5        395        3.3        607        5.1
Bachelor's degree or more          12,862        415        3.2        184        1.4        231        1.8

Table 1.  Selected Characteristics of Civilians 16 to 74 Years Old With a Work Disability,
by Educational Attainment and Sex: 2003
(Numbers in thousands)

                                                                With a work disability
                                                  Total               Not severe              Severe
                                           ____________________  ____________________  ____________________
                                                        Percent               Percent               Percent
                                    Total     Number   of total     Number   of total     Number   of total

  45 to 54 years old               40,154      5,010       12.5      1,488        3.7      3,522        8.8
Less than 7th grade                 1,082        296       27.3         35        3.3        260       24.1
7th to 8th grade                      668        176       26.4         17        2.5        160       23.9
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)      2,658        720       27.1        125        4.7        595       22.4
High school graduate               12,440      1,773       14.3        446        3.6      1,327       10.7
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree     11,086      1,394       12.6        535        4.8        859        7.7
Bachelor's degree or more          12,221        650        5.3        329        2.7        321        2.6

  55 to 64 years old               27,378      5,772       21.1      1,575        5.8      4,197       15.3
Less than 7th grade                   924        361       39.1         31        3.4        330       35.7
7th to 8th grade                      777        397       51.1         45        5.8        351       45.2
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)      2,360        891       37.7        149        6.3        741       31.4
High school graduate                9,160      2,137       23.3        597        6.5      1,540       16.8
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree      6,753      1,219       18.1        413        6.1        806       11.9
Bachelor's degree or more           7,404        767       10.4        340        4.6        428        5.8

  65 to 69 years old                9,438      2,113       22.4      1,277       13.5        835        8.8
Less than 7th grade                   517        192       37.2         58       11.3        134       25.9
7th to 8th grade                      511        179       35.1         96       18.8         83       16.3
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)      1,154        388       33.6        201       17.4        186       16.1
High school graduate                3,568        743       20.8        489       13.7        254        7.1
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree      1,834        365       19.9        247       13.4        118        6.4
Bachelor's degree or more           1,854        245       13.2        186       10.0         60        3.2

Table 1.  Selected Characteristics of Civilians 16 to 74 Years Old With a Work Disability,
by Educational Attainment and Sex: 2003
(Numbers in thousands)

                                                                With a work disability
                                                  Total               Not severe              Severe
                                           ____________________  ____________________  ____________________
                                                        Percent               Percent               Percent
                                    Total     Number   of total     Number   of total     Number   of total

  70 to 74 years old                8,673      2,053       23.7      1,387       16.0        666        7.7
Less than 7th grade                   567        205       36.1         59       10.5        145       25.6
7th to 8th grade                      635        219       34.4        118       18.7        100       15.8
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)      1,153        374       32.4        237       20.6        136       11.8
High school graduate                3,165        683       21.6        517       16.3        166        5.2
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree      1,544        354       22.9        266       17.2         87        5.7
Bachelor's degree or more           1,609        220       13.7        189       11.8         31        1.9

  16 to 74 years old              204,162     22,224       10.9      7,970        3.9     14,254        7.0
Less than 7th grade                 5,936      1,359       22.9        227        3.8      1,132       19.1
7th to 8th grade                    4,508      1,197       26.5        303        6.7        894       19.8
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)     27,481      3,925       14.3      1,075        3.9      2,851       10.4
High school graduate               61,739      8,086       13.1      2,795        4.5      5,291        8.6
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree     54,597      5,128        9.4      2,227        4.1      2,901        5.3
Bachelor's degree or more          49,902      2,529        5.1      1,344        2.7      1,186        2.4

  16 to 64 years old              186,051     18,058        9.7      5,305        2.9     12,753        6.9
Less than 7th grade                 4,852        962       19.8        109        2.3        852       17.6
7th to 8th grade                    3,361        799       23.8         88        2.6        710       21.1
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)     25,174      3,164       12.6        636        2.5      2,528       10.0
High school graduate               55,006      6,660       12.1      1,789        3.3      4,871        8.9
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree     51,218      4,409        8.6      1,714        3.3      2,695        5.3
Bachelor's degree or more          46,439      2,064        4.4        968        2.1      1,095        2.4

Table 1.  Selected Characteristics of Civilians 16 to 74 Years Old With a Work Disability,
by Educational Attainment and Sex: 2003
(Numbers in thousands)

                                                                With a work disability
                                                  Total               Not severe              Severe
                                           ____________________  ____________________  ____________________
                                                        Percent               Percent               Percent
                                    Total     Number   of total     Number   of total     Number   of total

  25 to 64 years old              150,271     16,663       11.1      4,835        3.2     11,829        7.9
Less than 7th grade                 4,402        908       20.6        106        2.4        802       18.2
7th to 8th grade                    2,610        744       28.5         80        3.1        664       25.5
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)     11,803      2,570       21.8        452        3.8      2,118       17.9
High school graduate               46,762      6,224       13.3      1,652        3.5      4,572        9.8
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree     40,488      4,180       10.3      1,594        3.9      2,586        6.4
Bachelor's degree or more          44,207      2,037        4.6        951        2.2      1,086        2.5

  65 to 74 years old               18,111      4,166       23.0      2,665       14.7      1,501        8.3
Less than 7th grade                 1,084        397       36.6        118       10.8        279       25.8
7th to 8th grade                    1,146        398       34.7        215       18.7        183       16.0
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)      2,307        761       33.0        438       19.0        323       14.0
High school graduate                6,733      1,426       21.2      1,006       14.9        420        6.2
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree      3,378        718       21.3        513       15.2        205        6.1
Bachelor's degree or more           3,463        466       13.4        375       10.8         90        2.6

Table 1.  Selected Characteristics of Civilians 16 to 74 Years Old With a Work Disability,
by Educational Attainment and Sex: 2003
(Numbers in thousands)


                                                                With a work disability
                                                  Total               Not severe              Severe
                                           ____________________  ____________________  ____________________
                                                        Percent               Percent               Percent
                                    Total     Number   of total     Number   of total     Number   of total

  16 to 24 years old               17,986        724        4.0        238        1.3        486        2.7
Less than 7th grade                   298         31       10.3          2        0.7         29        9.6
7th to 8th grade                      440         24        5.6          3        0.6         22        5.0
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)      6,934        320        4.6         97        1.4        223        3.2
High school graduate                4,428        239        5.4         68        1.5        170        3.8
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree      5,021        101        2.0         63        1.2         39        0.8
Bachelor's degree or more             864          9        1.0          5        0.6          3        0.4

  25 to 34 years old               19,301        992        5.1        289        1.5        703        3.6
Less than 7th grade                   682         58        8.5         11        1.7         47        6.8
7th to 8th grade                      305         35       11.5                     -         35       11.5
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)      1,831        163        8.9         22        1.2        142        7.7
High school graduate                5,947        413        6.9        109        1.8        304        5.1
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree      5,122        244        4.8        113        2.2        132        2.6
Bachelor's degree or more           5,413         79        1.5         35        0.6         44        0.8

  35 to 44 years old               21,471      1,791        8.3        524        2.4      1,267        5.9
Less than 7th grade                   663         76       11.4         12        1.8         64        9.6
7th to 8th grade                      349         68       19.5          4        1.2         64       18.2
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)      1,902        325       17.1         55        2.9        270       14.2
High school graduate                7,028        725       10.3        201        2.9        523        7.4
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree      5,315        434        8.2        180        3.4        254        4.8
Bachelor's degree or more           6,215        164        2.6         71        1.1         93        1.5

Table 1.  Selected Characteristics of Civilians 16 to 74 Years Old With a Work Disability,
by Educational Attainment and Sex: 2003
(Numbers in thousands)


                                                                With a work disability
                                                  Total               Not severe              Severe
                                           ____________________  ____________________  ____________________
                                                        Percent               Percent               Percent
                                    Total     Number   of total     Number   of total     Number   of total

  45 to 54 years old               19,539      2,480       12.7        783        4.0      1,697        8.7
Less than 7th grade                   558        169       30.4         12        2.2        157       28.2
7th to 8th grade                      339         99       29.3          7        2.1         92       27.2
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)      1,376        338       24.6         68        4.9        270       19.6
High school graduate                5,830        839       14.4        209        3.6        630       10.8
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree      5,166        721       14.0        311        6.0        410        7.9
Bachelor's degree or more           6,270        313        5.0        175        2.8        138        2.2

  55 to 64 years old               13,148      2,764       21.0        828        6.3      1,936       14.7
Less than 7th grade                   476        199       41.9         14        3.0        185       38.9
7th to 8th grade                      391        200       51.1         30        7.7        170       43.4
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)      1,120        398       35.5         72        6.4        326       29.1
High school graduate                3,868        922       23.8        285        7.4        637       16.5
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree      3,111        616       19.8        241        7.8        375       12.0
Bachelor's degree or more           4,183        429       10.3        186        4.4        243        5.8

  65 to 69 years old                4,317      1,035       24.0        657       15.2        378        8.8
Less than 7th grade                   232         96       41.2         28       12.2         67       29.0
7th to 8th grade                      270         87       32.1         46       17.0         41       15.2
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)        472        163       34.5         97       20.5         66       14.0
High school graduate                1,409        345       24.5        244       17.3        100        7.1
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree        857        196       22.9        137       16.0         59        6.9
Bachelor's degree or more           1,077        148       13.8        104        9.6         44        4.1

Table 1.  Selected Characteristics of Civilians 16 to 74 Years Old With a Work Disability,
by Educational Attainment and Sex: 2003
(Numbers in thousands)


                                                                With a work disability
                                                  Total               Not severe              Severe
                                           ____________________  ____________________  ____________________
                                                        Percent               Percent               Percent
                                    Total     Number   of total     Number   of total     Number   of total

  70 to 74 years old                3,957        943       23.8        688       17.4        255        6.4
Less than 7th grade                   262         96       36.6         34       13.1         62       23.6
7th to 8th grade                      307         93       30.2         63       20.4         30        9.8
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)        457        146       31.9         99       21.7         47       10.2
High school graduate                1,296        314       24.2        255       19.7         59        4.5
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree        695        166       23.9        126       18.1         41        5.9
Bachelor's degree or more             941        128       13.6        111       11.8         17        1.8

  16 to 74 years old               99,720     10,728       10.8      4,006        4.0      6,722        6.7
Less than 7th grade                 3,170        724       22.8        114        3.6        610       19.2
7th to 8th grade                    2,400        606       25.2        152        6.4        453       18.9
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)     14,093      1,853       13.2        509        3.6      1,344        9.5
High school graduate               29,807      3,796       12.7      1,372        4.6      2,424        8.1
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree     25,287      2,479        9.8      1,171        4.6      1,308        5.2
Bachelor's degree or more          24,962      1,269        5.1        687        2.8        582        2.3

  16 to 64 years old               91,445      8,751        9.6      2,662        2.9      6,089        6.7
Less than 7th grade                 2,677        533       19.9         52        1.9        481       18.0
7th to 8th grade                    1,822        426       23.4         44        2.4        382       21.0
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)     13,165      1,545       11.7        313        2.4      1,231        9.4
High school graduate               27,102      3,137       11.6        872        3.2      2,265        8.4
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree     23,735      2,117        8.9        908        3.8      1,209        5.1
Bachelor's degree or more          22,944        993        4.3        472        2.1        521        2.3

Table 1.  Selected Characteristics of Civilians 16 to 74 Years Old With a Work Disability,
by Educational Attainment and Sex: 2003
(Numbers in thousands)


                                                                With a work disability
                                                  Total               Not severe              Severe
                                           ____________________  ____________________  ____________________
                                                        Percent               Percent               Percent
                                    Total     Number   of total     Number   of total     Number   of total

  25 to 64 years old               73,459      8,027       10.9      2,424        3.3      5,603        7.6
Less than 7th grade                 2,378        502       21.1         50        2.1        452       19.0
7th to 8th grade                    1,383        402       29.1         42        3.0        360       26.1
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)      6,230      1,225       19.7        217        3.5      1,008       16.2
High school graduate               22,674      2,899       12.8        804        3.5      2,095        9.2
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree     18,714      2,015       10.8        845        4.5      1,170        6.3
Bachelor's degree or more          22,080        984        4.5        467        2.1        517        2.3

  65 to 74 years old                8,275      1,977       23.9      1,344       16.2        633        7.6
Less than 7th grade                   494        191       38.8         63       12.7        129       26.1
7th to 8th grade                      578        180       31.1        108       18.8         71       12.3
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)        929        309       33.2        196       21.1        113       12.1
High school graduate                2,705        659       24.4        499       18.5        159        5.9
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree      1,552        363       23.4        263       16.9        100        6.4
Bachelor's degree or more           2,018        276       13.7        215       10.7         61        3.0

Table 1.  Selected Characteristics of Civilians 16 to 74 Years Old With a Work Disability,
by Educational Attainment and Sex: 2003
(Numbers in thousands)


                                                                With a work disability
                                                  Total               Not severe              Severe
                                           ____________________  ____________________  ____________________
                                                        Percent               Percent               Percent
                                    Total     Number   of total     Number   of total     Number   of total

  16 to 24 years old               17,794        671        3.8        233        1.3        438        2.5
Less than 7th grade                   151         23       15.3          1        0.9         22       14.4
7th to 8th grade                      312         30        9.7          6        1.9         24        7.7
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)      6,437        274        4.3         88        1.4        186        2.9
High school graduate                3,816        197        5.2         69        1.8        129        3.4
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree      5,709        128        2.2         57        1.0         70        1.2
Bachelor's degree or more           1,368         18        1.3         12        0.9          7        0.5

  25 to 34 years old               19,644      1,181        6.0        367        1.9        814        4.1
Less than 7th grade                   514         38        7.4         10        1.9         28        5.5
7th to 8th grade                      235         26       10.9          8        3.4         18        7.5
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)      1,503        177       11.8         40        2.7        137        9.1
High school graduate                5,359        495        9.2        107        2.0        388        7.2
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree      5,725        320        5.6        138        2.4        182        3.2
Bachelor's degree or more           6,308        125        2.0         64        1.0         62        1.0

  35 to 44 years old               22,323      1,917        8.6        592        2.7      1,325        5.9
Less than 7th grade                   537         79       14.7          6        1.1         73       13.7
7th to 8th grade                      277         43       15.4          6        2.0         37       13.4
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)      1,548        294       19.0         60        3.9        234       15.1
High school graduate                6,828        682       10.0        192        2.8        490        7.2
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree      6,486        569        8.8        215        3.3        354        5.5
Bachelor's degree or more           6,647        251        3.8        114        1.7        138        2.1

Table 1.  Selected Characteristics of Civilians 16 to 74 Years Old With a Work Disability,
by Educational Attainment and Sex: 2003
(Numbers in thousands)


                                                                With a work disability
                                                  Total               Not severe              Severe
                                           ____________________  ____________________  ____________________
                                                        Percent               Percent               Percent
                                    Total     Number   of total     Number   of total     Number   of total

  45 to 54 years old               20,616      2,530       12.3        705        3.4      1,825        8.9
Less than 7th grade                   524        126       24.1         23        4.4        103       19.7
7th to 8th grade                      329         77       23.4          9        2.9         68       20.6
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)      1,282        382       29.8         57        4.5        325       25.3
High school graduate                6,610        934       14.1        237        3.6        697       10.5
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree      5,920        673       11.4        224        3.8        449        7.6
Bachelor's degree or more           5,950        337        5.7        154        2.6        184        3.1

  55 to 64 years old               14,229      3,009       21.1        747        5.3      2,261       15.9
Less than 7th grade                   449        162       36.2         17        3.9        145       32.3
7th to 8th grade                      386        197       51.0         15        4.0        182       47.0
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)      1,239        493       39.7         78        6.3        415       33.5
High school graduate                5,291      1,215       23.0        312        5.9        903       17.1
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree      3,642        603       16.6        171        4.7        432       11.9
Bachelor's degree or more           3,222        339       10.5        153        4.8        185        5.7

  65 to 69 years old                5,121      1,078       21.0        621       12.1        457        8.9
Less than 7th grade                   285         97       33.9         30       10.5         67       23.4
7th to 8th grade                      241         92       38.4         50       20.9         42       17.5
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)        682        225       33.0        104       15.3        120       17.7
High school graduate                2,159        398       18.5        245       11.3        154        7.1
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree        977        168       17.2        109       11.2         59        6.0
Bachelor's degree or more             777         97       12.5         82       10.6         15        1.9

Table 1.  Selected Characteristics of Civilians 16 to 74 Years Old With a Work Disability,
by Educational Attainment and Sex: 2003
(Numbers in thousands)


                                                                With a work disability
                                                  Total               Not severe              Severe
                                           ____________________  ____________________  ____________________
                                                        Percent               Percent               Percent
                                    Total     Number   of total     Number   of total     Number   of total

  70 to 74 years old                4,715      1,111       23.6        700       14.8        411        8.7
Less than 7th grade                   305        109       35.6         25        8.2         84       27.4
7th to 8th grade                      328        126       38.4         56       17.0         70       21.3
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)        696        228       32.7        138       19.8         90       12.9
High school graduate                1,869        369       19.7        262       14.0        107        5.7
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree        849        187       22.1        141       16.6         47        5.5
Bachelor's degree or more             668         92       13.8         78       11.7         14        2.1

  16 to 74 years old              104,442     11,496       11.0      3,964        3.8      7,532        7.2
Less than 7th grade                 2,766        634       22.9        113        4.1        522       18.9
7th to 8th grade                    2,108        591       28.0        150        7.1        440       20.9
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)     13,387      2,072       15.5        565        4.2      1,507       11.3
High school graduate               31,932      4,290       13.4      1,423        4.5      2,867        9.0
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree     29,309      2,648        9.0      1,056        3.6      1,592        5.4
Bachelor's degree or more          24,940      1,260        5.1        657        2.6        604        2.4

  16 to 64 years old               94,606      9,308        9.8      2,644        2.8      6,664        7.0
Less than 7th grade                 2,175        429       19.7         58        2.6        371       17.1
7th to 8th grade                    1,539        372       24.2         44        2.9        328       21.3
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)     12,010      1,620       13.5        323        2.7      1,297       10.8
High school graduate               27,904      3,523       12.6        917        3.3      2,606        9.3
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree     27,483      2,292        8.3        806        2.9      1,487        5.4
Bachelor's degree or more          23,495      1,071        4.6        496        2.1        575        2.4

Table 1.  Selected Characteristics of Civilians 16 to 74 Years Old With a Work Disability,
by Educational Attainment and Sex: 2003
(Numbers in thousands)


                                                                With a work disability
                                                  Total               Not severe              Severe
                                           ____________________  ____________________  ____________________
                                                        Percent               Percent               Percent
                                    Total     Number   of total     Number   of total     Number   of total

  25 to 64 years old               76,812      8,637       11.2      2,411        3.1      6,226        8.1
Less than 7th grade                 2,024        406       20.1         56        2.8        350       17.3
7th to 8th grade                    1,227        342       27.9         38        3.1        304       24.8
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)      5,573      1,346       24.1        235        4.2      1,111       19.9
High school graduate               24,088      3,326       13.8        848        3.5      2,478       10.3
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree     21,774      2,164        9.9        748        3.4      1,416        6.5
Bachelor's degree or more          22,127      1,053        4.8        485        2.2        568        2.6

  65 to 74 years old                9,836      2,189       22.3      1,320       13.4        868        8.8
Less than 7th grade                   591        205       34.8         55        9.3        150       25.5
7th to 8th grade                      569        218       38.4        106       18.7        112       19.7
9th to 12th grade (no diploma)      1,378        453       32.8        242       17.6        210       15.2
High school graduate                4,028        767       19.0        507       12.6        261        6.5
Associate's degree
or some college with no degree      1,826        356       19.5        250       13.7        106        5.8
Bachelor's degree or more           1,445        189       13.1        160       11.1         29        2.0


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Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Housing and Household Economic Statistics Division
Last Revised: September 21, 2009