Doing Business with USTRANSCOM



Office of Small Business Programs (OSBP)

The Office of Small Business Programs (OSBP) is the advocate for small business utilization within USTRANSCOM and an important source of information tailored to assist small businesses. We welcome the opportunity to assist the small business community in pursuing USTRANSCOM procurement opportunities.

Transportation and Technology Industry Liaison Office (TTILO)

The Transportation and Technology Industry Liaison Office is the command lead for communicating industry capabilities. We want to establish and administer an impartial and consistent process through which USTRANSCOM can become aware of relevant and innovative products or services in the interest of leveraging those products or services to support the war fighter.

TCAQ Procurement Forecast - Updated 27 July 2012

This United States Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM) Procurement Forecast includes projections of anticipated USTRANSCOM procurements over $150,000.

Acquisition News

Corporate Executive Acquisition Board (CEAB) Established.

USTRANSCOM Acquisition Directorate (USTRANSCOM/AQ) established a Corporate Executive Acquisition Board (CEAB) with representatives from transportation distribution partners. The goal of the board is to solidify long term partnerships with distribution partners and improve acquisition processes by establishing a communication forum to collaborate and share ideas surrounding distribution related acquisition issues. The board held its kick off meeting on 29 Feb 2012 at Scott AFB IL. Click here for the meeting slides, minutes, and the January, 2012, "Defense Budget Priorities and Choices". If you have an issue you want brought forward and discussed in the CEAB, contact your representative on the Board.

Office of Research and Technology Applications (TCCS-ORTA)

The Manager of the USTRANSCOM ORTA manages all T2 activities across USTRANSCOM. T2 authority provides USTRANSCOM with the capability to enter into technology exploration partnerships with non-federal entities. The ORTA works as the principal staff arm of the USTRANSCOM Laboratory Director, a responsibility of the USTRANSCOM Deputy Commander.

Research Development Test and Evaluation Office (RDT&E)

Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E) USTRANSCOM's RDT&E Program explores innovative joint technologies that address deployment and distribution capability gaps. Although all proposals for RDT&E funding must come from a government organization/sponsor, industry can partner with a government organization on a proposal as long as that organization agrees the proposed technology addresses a joint capability gap and is committed to identifying a transition path/funding upon completion of the RDT&E effort.

Surface Deployment and Distribution Command(SDDC)- Business Customers

SDDC Freight Carrier Registration Program

Air Mobility Command - Business Customers

How to Become a DOD Approved Air Carrier.





Provides assistance to individuals and industry in solving problems with the acquisition process. Contact

Competition Advocate

Manages the USTRANSCOM competition program by challenging barriers to full and open competition. Contact

Initiatives and Programs
Transportation Rates and Rules