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Message from Command Sgt. Maj. Anthony W. Mahoney during Hispanic Heritage Month

Post Date: Oct 15, 2012

As we wrap up Hispanic Heritage Month on October 15, I'd like to recognize the significant contributions made by our nation's Hispanic-Americans.  I'd like to also personally thank the Hispanic-American service members serving on the Korean Peninsula. Hispanics, along with the other great men and women serving and defending the Republic of Korea, are vitally important to the mission of sustaining and strengthening our great alliance.

This month-long observance gave us the opportunity to reflect on the significant contributions Hispanic-Americans have made to the military and the nation.  Hispanics comprise 11 percent of active-duty military and nearly 17 percent of new recruits.  They are a huge part of our nation's history and our national identity.  Together, we share the principles that unite our great nation  - a genuine commitment to freedom and democracy.


Note: National Hispanic Heritage Month dates back to 1968's Hispanic Heritage Week. It was expanded to 30 days by President Ronald Reagan in 1988. The observance begins Sept. 15 to coincide with the date in 1821 that five Latin-American countries -- Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua -- declared their independence from Spain. Mexico and Chile celebrate their independence on Sept. 16 and 18, respectively.