Weekly Washington Update

by Jeb Hensarling on Friday, October 22, 2010 at 2:04pm ·

As I have been travelling around Texas this week talking to people about jobs and the economy, everywhere I go folks are asking, number one, “where are the jobs?” and number two, “why all the debt?”


For the first time in my Congressional career people are really paying attention to the budget and legislative process, and that is a very good thing.


Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her Party have controlled the Congress for four years and the White House for two years. Sooner or later they must take responsibility for the results of their policies.


We are now in our 17th month with unemployment above 9%. I'm not sure since the great depression we've had unemployment hover at that level for this long.


We are now coming off our second year in a row with a trillion dollar plus federal budget deficit.


I just don't think the people who are running Washington these days could mess up the economy any more. They don’t seem to understand that when you repeal pro-economic growth policies, you repeal their results, and when you demonize, tax and attack the job creators you create uncertainty that makes them less likely to take the risks necessary to create jobs.


The American people are paying attention, they see what is going on and they expect action. The President and the rest of the leaders of his Party are going to have to realize that they can’t keep ignoring the American people.  People on Main Street are out here looking at what the President has been doing and they’re shouting ‘stop spending’ at the top of their lungs.  I’ve been listening and the President should, too.  


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