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USFK Training

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Theater Specific Required Training

This text will be replaced
Welcome message from USFK Commander.

The theater specific required training that arriving personnel and units assigned to, rotating to, or in temporary duty status to USFK must complete prior to deployment to the Republic of Korea (ROK).  It is imperative this training be completed to facilitate accomplishment of assigned missions or tasks, and at the same time, ensure you understand specific policies and customs that will prepare you to act in a manner that is compatible and respectful of the culture and laws of the Republic of Korea and thereby maintain good order and discipline. 

pdf Click here to view the Commander's reading list


USFK Regulation 350-2, 22 February 2012

"All personnel performing duties in Korea must complete this training by reviewing/reading, understanding and adhering to the video, policy letters and web-based USFK Training Module provided on the Joint Knowledge Online (JKO) website." (Chapter 2, paragraph 2-1)


After reviewing the “Welcome Video” and “Command Policy Letters”, you must complete the USFK Training Module. Be sure to review the USFK Theater Specific Required Training Instructions by clicking on the link below.  This instruction has the necessary steps for locating and enrolling in the correct training module, including links to the training websites.

Supervisors Development Course (SDC)

Supervisors Development Course (SDC): The SDC is a complete revision of the legacy course. It is a major result of the National Defense Authorization Act of 2010 (NDAA 2010) which requires that all Government Civilian Supervisors and Military that supervise government civilians receive training in the topics specified in the NDAA 2010.


- Required for all Army supervisors (Military and Army Civilian) of civilian employees.

- New supervisors must complete this course within one year of appointment to a supervisor position

- Current supervisors must take the course as refresher training every three years

- Available for those preparing for a future role as a supervisor

End State: Students who successfully complete this course will:

- Identify management and leadership responsibilities for supervisors

- Effectively manage and lead U.S. Army Civilian Corps members


Click on the link to get started


Contact Us

Questions or concerns dealing with Theater Specific Required Training content should be directed to USFK Training at Commercial 1-82-505-736-7368 or DSN 736-7368 (The DSN Prefix for Korea is 315).

Problems accessing the USFK Training Module should be directed to the help desk at or 757-203-5654/DSN 668-5654 if you have not received an account notification in 24hrs.