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Gen. James D. Thurman

Commander UNC/CFC/USFK

Gen. James D. Thurman

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Welcome to United States Forces, Korea. Our mission is to defend the Republic of Korea (ROK) against external aggression and to maintain peace and stability in East Asia. The armed forces of the United States have been serving in Korea, defending freedom, since the outbreak of the Korean War in June 1950. Since then, the ROK – US Alliance has evolved into one of the strongest, most effective alliances in the world.

Korea is a great place to train and live. The Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, DOD Civilians, and family members that make up the USFK team are fortunate to participate in some of the most realistic and effective training throughout the armed forces. Additionally, those serving and living in Korea have ample opportunities to experience one of the most dynamic cultures in the world.

If you are being assigned to Korea, you can be assured that you will make a significant and immediate contribution to your unit, your service, your country, and the ROK-US Alliance. For those bringing their families, the housing, schools, day-care centers, hospitals, gyms, exchanges, commissaries, and other facilities are among the best anywhere and are constantly being improved and upgraded. The quality of life during an assignment in Korea is extremely high.

I invite those coming to Korea to use this Web site as your one-stop shop for command and community information. In the Command Info Corner, on the left-hand side of this site, you will find a list of links that will give you a good overview of my command vision, priorities, policies, messages, and more. I encourage everyone to take the time to read my Sharp Points where I send out critical, timely information that concerns all members of the USFK team. If you take the time to navigate through this Web site, you will undoubtedly be able to find answers to many of the questions you may have regarding an assignment in Korea, making your transition to USFK easier for both you and your family.

I am honored to command USFK - a professional organization with magnificent people. I appreciate the sacrifice and service of every service member, civilian, and family member in USFK. I look forward to your arrival in Korea and to your contribution to the ROK-US Alliance. I regard my service in Korea, past and present, as among the most rewarding in my career. I am sure that after you serve here you will feel the same.

Thank you and Katchi Kapshida! (We Go Together)