Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Medical Care

For most veterans, entry into the VA health care system begins by applying for enrollment. There are eight (8) Priority Groups, with Priority Group 1 being the highest and Priority Group 8 being the lowest. Once enrolled, veterans have access to VA’s comprehensive Medical Benefits Package and can receive health care at VA health care facilities anywhere in the country. Veterans are assigned to a Priority Group based on such factors as service-connected disability, household income, or special eligibility factors such as combat veteran status or recipient of the Purple Heart award and/or former Prisoner of War. Detailed information regarding Priority Groups is listed on the web at Effective January 17, 2003, VA is no longer enrolling new Priority Group 8 veterans. 
VA Health Care Enrollment
Generally, you must be enrolled in the VA health care system to receive benefits offered in the Medical Benefits Package. To apply for VA health care benefits, including enrollment, simply fill out a 10-10EZ Application for Health Care Benefits. This Enrollment form and instructions can be found at: or you may apply at your local VA medical center or call the VA Health Benefits Call Center at 1 877-237-VETS (8387).
Returning Combat Veterans
Veterans, including Reserve and National Guard members, who served on active duty in a theater of combat operations during a period of war after the Gulf War or in combat against a hostile force after Nov. 11, 1998, are eligible for enrollment in Priority Group 6 unless otherwise eligible for enrollment in a higher Priority Group. For five years after discharge or release from active duty, these veterans receive cost-free health care services for conditions that may be related to their combat service but some may be required to pay co-pays for conditions not related to their service.  
Special Note: If you served in the Gulf War, the VA has established a website to provide information to you. You may also call the Gulf War/Agent Orange Hotline at 1-800-749-8387 press 3.
Note: There is no requirement for returning combat veterans to provide household income information, however, agreement to pay applicable co-payments must be given if not otherwise eligible for cost-free care for conditions clearly unrelated to their combat service.
To take advantage of this enhanced enrollment authority, you must apply for VA health care benefits within five years of your discharge from active duty.
Additionally, it is important to note that Reserve and National Guard members may also qualify for VA health care benefits, even without service in the theater of combat operations, if they were activated for federal service, served the full period for which they were called or ordered to active duty, and received a discharge other than dishonorable.** For more information on benefits for Reserve and National Guard members visit VA’s Seamless Transition web site for National Guard and Reserve Personnel at
** Note: Active duty for training alone is not qualifying service time for VA health care benefit purposes.  
Go to for more information.
Family Members and Survivors
VA, through the Civilian health and medical Program of the Department of Veterans Affairs (CHAMPVA), may provide medical care for the children and spouse of veterans who have a VA permanent and total service-connected disability rating, or those survivors of veterans who died as a result of a service-connected disability, or who died while on active duty. Spouses and children who are eligible for TRICARE/CHAMPUS are not eligible for CHAMPVA benefits. Information on CHAMPVA benefits may be found on the CHAMPVA website or by calling 1-800-733-8387. 
VA Provided Dental Care
 VA may provide any treatment indicated as reasonably necessary for a one-time correction of dental conditions if you apply within 90 days after your separation/discharge. However, if the military provided a dental examination and treatment within 90 days prior to your separation this care cannot be provided. This is annotated in Block 17 of your DD-214. VA also provides dental care to eligible veterans in other situations. For further information regarding eligibility for VA dental benefits go to:
Shortly after you are deactivated/demobilized: The VA provides one-time dental care for veterans. The requirements are to have a documented dental examination at a DTF within 90 days of separation from active duty; uncompleted dental care and you must apply to the VA within 90 days after separation. However, you will not receive dental care if the military provided a dental examination and completed all dental treatment within 90 days prior to your release from active duty.
Date Last Reviewed: September 28, 2011