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McCaul supports decision to send troops

U.S. Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas) said he supports President Obama’s decision to send more U.S. troops into Afghanistan but that any timeline for withdrawing soldiers should not be based on a "political clock."

"I applaud the president for his commitment to increasing troop forces in Afghanistan from where Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda attacked the United States," McCaul said Tuesday, after Obama addressed the nation about his decision to commit additional troops.

"However, any timeline for withdraw of U.S. and NATO military forces should be based on conditions on the ground and not on the Washington political clock.

"The Afghan population and tribal leaders must have confidence in the staying power of the United States. Abandoning our commitment only serves to embolden the Taliban and al Qaeda and undermine the overall mission."

McCaul, whose district includes Washington County, said he is "looking forward ... to questioning the Secretary of Defense, Secretary of State and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs during our Foreign Affairs hearing (today) as to whether they believe the troop levels are sufficient for victory and what impact they believe a timeline for withdraw will have on our goal of achieving security and stability in the region."

Obama on Tuesday announced he was sending another 30,000 U.S. troops into Afghanistan.