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Obama Pressed (Again) on Cybersecurity

House Intelligence Technical and Tactical Intelligence Subcommittee Chairman Ruppersberger demands actions and answers.

Jon Oltsik, Network World
Oct 6, 2009 4:47 pm

At the beginning of September, the two co-chairs of the Bipartisan House Cybersecurity Caucus (Jim Langevin, D-RI and Michael McCaul, R-TX) sent a letter to President Obama asking him to expedite the appointment of a Cybersecurity Coordinator. The congressman stated: "Specifically, we strongly believe that the continued absence of a permanent cybersecurity coordinator impedes the ability of federal agencies to move forward in updating and strengthening their aging cyber policies, while also complicating our efforts to collaborate with private institutions that play such a critical role in keeping our nation safe."

Here we are in October and there is still no Cybersecurity Coordinator in site. The House is not taking this inactivity lying down. Lacking executive cybersecurity leadership, House Intelligence Technical and Tactical Intelligence Subcommittee Chairman C.A. (Dutch) Ruppersberger (D-MD) is taking the matter in his own hands by reviewing Federal cybersecurity plans and working with the private sector to better understand the issues. The Congressman recently stated, "We need a road map to [help us] decide what we're going to do because this is going to cost us billions of dollars. And the government can't do it all."

Congressman Ruppersberger: You couldn't be more correct. After numerous meetings in Washington DC last week, I've come to 2 conclusions:

1. This is a complex problem that isn't well understood in Washington so no one should be counting on quick-fix legislation or the Federal Government to come to anyone's rescue.

2. That said, the Feds have to get their hands dirty soon to get their own houses in order and guide, prod, and incent the private sector.

It's a quagmire inside a paradox, but things are pretty bad and we don't have time to spare. I welcome the congressman's moxy and hope that he backs it up with action soon.