Post-Deployment Health Assessment

A Post Deployment Health Assessment, DD Form 2796, "Post-Deployment Health Assessment," is required if a DD Form 2795 was required during the pre-deployment phase per the decision of the COCOM commander, Service component commander, or commander exercising operational control if any health threats evolved or exposures (OEH or CBRN) occurred during the deployment that warrant medical assessment or follow-up. Each individual who requires a DD Form 2796 must be scheduled for a face-to-face health assessment with a trained health care provider (physician, physician assistant, nurse practitioner, advanced practice nurse, independent duty corpsman, independent duty medical technician, or Special Forces medical sergeant) during in-theater medical out-processing or within 30 days after returning home or processing station. 
The purpose of this screening is to review each Service member's current health, mental health, or psychosocial issues commonly associated with deployments, special medications taken during the deployment, exposures, and to discuss deployment-related health concerns. 
The original completed DD Form 2796 will be maintained in the individual's permanent medical record. A copy will be sent electronically to the Army Medical Surveillance Activity (AMSA). DD Form 2796 should be completed as close to the redeployment date as possible, but not earlier than 30 days before the expected redeployment date and not later than 30 days after redeployment, and for Guard and Reserve service members, before they are released from active duty.   
A Medical debriefing on all significant health events, exposures and concerns will be conducted ideally within 5 days prior to departure from theater, but may be conducted within 5 days of return to CONUS/home station. 
For additional information on PDHA and PDHRA go to and
Date Last Reviewed: September 8, 2011