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USFK Organization


  • Unit Content Manager
    DSN: 725-2263
  • ACofS, RM
    DSN: 723-3722
  • Deputy ACofS, RM
    DSN:  723-3803
  • Administrative Assistant
    DSN: 723-3722
  • Driver
    DSN: 723-3722
  • Program & Budget Division
    DSN: 723-6672
  • Budget Execution Branch
    DSN: 723-6718
  • Budget Formulation Branch
    DSN: 723-6751
  • Mangement Division
    DSN: 723-6666
  • Business Transformation Office
    DSN: 723-6355
  • HQ Activities Division
    DSN: 723-6761
  • Program Analysis And Evaluation Branch
    DSN: 723-6615


Resource Management, FKRM

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Welcome to the FKRM site!  The Office of the FKRM is staffed by a group of dedicated, top-notch professionals, both military and civilians, working hard to provide unparalleled resource management support to U.S. forces in the Korean theater and those who would be subsequently deployed in the event of hostilities.

U.S. Forces in Korea are faced with unprecedented challenges.  While the mission on the peninsula, to deter aggression and support Republic of Korea forces in the event deterrence fails, has not changed, the availability and structure of resources have.  Faced with the demands of the Global War on Terrorism, the transformation of the U.S. Army, and the reduction/consolidation of U.S. forces on the peninsula, USFK is being forced to make some tough resourcing decisions.  The FKRM is there to provide resource management advice and support to the USFK Commander.

Please contact our webmaster at 725-2263 if you have any questions or notice any errors on our site.



To provide resource management support to the Combatant Commander, the Ground Component Commander, and Quad-HQ in support of U.S. forces already in theater and those subsequently deployed.