Post-Deployment Health Reassessment

The goal of the Post-Deployment Health Reassessment (PDHRA) is to identify deployment-related health concerns that may arise in the three to six months after returning from deployment. The PDHRA provides education, screening, assessment and access to care for a wide variety of questions and concerns you may have about your health after you return from deployment. 
While deployed, you were focused on the mission at hand. Now that you have returned home, it is time to focus on your life, your health, and your future. We encourage you to take advantage of the health care and community services available to you through participation in the Post-Deployment Health Reassessment. The PDHRA empowers you to take control of your health and provides you with the chance to address your deployment-related health concerns with a health care professional. By identifying your health and readjustment concerns early, you can resolve problems that could – if left unattended – negatively affect your deployment status, career, family, or life beyond military service.   
You should complete the PDHRA three-to-six months after returning from deployment. The PDHRA Program uses DD Form 2900, "Post-Deployment Health Reassessment," to document health concerns, assessment and referrals. The form itself can only be completed in an electronic or web-enabled format. 
Your unit or commander will notify you when it's time to complete the assessment. First, you will complete a questionnaire that will gather your current demographic and health status information. After you have completed the form, a healthcare provider will discuss with you any deployment health concerns or questions. Together with the provider, you can determine what additional services or referrals are needed.
For additional information on PDHA and PDHRA go to  and
Date Last Reviewed: September 6, 2011