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Information > Fact Sheets > Board of Visitors


Posted 4/13/2009 Printable Fact Sheet

The Board of Visitors of the United States Air Force Academy is established under Title 10, United States Code, Section 9355.

The board is required under its charter to visit the Academy annually and to inquire into the morale, discipline, curriculum, instruction, physical equipment, fiscal affairs, academic methods and other matters relating to the Academy that the board decides to consider. Within 60 days after its annual visit, the board submits a written report of its actions, views and recommendations of the Academy to the president.

The board consists of 15 members. The president appoints six members. The vice president or the president pro tempore of the Senate designates three members, with two being members of the Senate Appropriations Committee.

The speaker of the House of Representatives designates four members, two being members of the House Appropriations Committee. 

The Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee or its designee, and the Chairman of the House Arms Services Committee or its designee fill the last two positions.

Presidential appointees are designated for a period of three years. Each of the additional nine board members serves a minimum term of one year. Any member whose term of office has expired continues to serve until his successor is appointed. The president designates two people each year to succeed members whose terms expire that year.

(Current as of April 2007)

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