The Standard Navy Distribution List

The Standard Navy Distribution List (SNDL) is a directory of all Navy commands. It is produced by the Office of the Assistant Vice Chief of Naval Operations, Shore and Fleet Organization Branch (Code N09B22), at the Washington Navy Yard.

The SNDL is automatically distributed quarterly on CD-ROM to those commands listed in the SNDL. The SNDL can also be accessed through the SECNAV/OPNAV directives web site [] where it is also updated on a quarterly basis.

The SNDL, which is updated on a monthly basis, can be obtained in either dBase or Word by Navy personnel, government contractors, or the general public. To do so, submit a PC pre-formatted 3.5-inch diskette along with a pre-printed label and a postage-paid envelope to:

Chief of Naval Operations
Code N09B22
2000 Navy Pentagon
Washington, D.C. 20350-2000

Be sure to specify whether the output should be in dBase or Word.

Reviewed: 16 September 2009