(Last updated 14 January 2003)

The Stabilisation Force (SFOR) Mission:
The Stabilisation Force (SFOR) will deter hostilities and stabilise the peace, contribute to a secure environment by providing a continued military presence in the Area Of Responsibility (AOR), target and coordinate SFOR support to key areas including primary civil implementation organisations, and progress towards a lasting consolidation of peace, without further need for NATO-led forces in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The desired endstate is:
A secure environment adequate for the continued consolidation of the peace without further need for NATO-led military forces in Bosnia and Herzegovina. We must ensure that:
- All parties adhere to the military requirements of the General Framework Agreement for Peace (GFAP) on a sustained basis.
- All parties demonstrate commitment to continue negotiations as a means to resolve political and military differences.
- Established civil structures are sufficiently mature to assume responsibilities to continue monitoring compliance with the GFAP.
- Conditions have been established for the safe continuation of ongoing nation-building activities.

The SFOR Commander's Intent is:
- To maintain a safe and secure environment.
- To support the International Community in the performance of its mandates in the Multi-Year Road Map (MYRM) (The MYRM is a means of measuring progress in Bosnia and Herzegovina.)
- To continue to train and restructure the Armed Forces in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
- To respond immediately to counter anti-Dayton non-compliant groups and institutions.
- To provide flexible military presence focused on critical areas.
- The Main Effort is to focus on the Armed Forces in Bosnia and Herzegovina, return of Displaced Persons and Refugees, support of Law Enforcement and the Rule of Law.

The "Dayton Peace Agreement"
The General Framework Agreement for Peace, sometimes referred to as the Dayton Peace Agreement, provides the political and legal framework for SFOR (www.nato.int/sfor/basic/gfap.htm). Annex 1A contains the agreement on the Military Aspects of the Peace Settlement. The goals of the agreement are:
- To Provide a safe and secure environment.
- To establish a unified, democratic Bosnia and Herzegovina.
- To rebuild the economy.
- To allow the return of displaced persons and refugees to their prewar homes.

NATO & SFOR Personnel:
- Are immune from "local" jurisdiction.
- Are immune from arrest/detention by local police.
- Are not required to carry a passport.
- Are not required to pay import taxes, duties or fees.
- Enjoy free & unrestricted passage through BiH & Croatia.
- SFOR soldiers shall respect local laws.
- SFOR soldiers shall refrain from actions not compatible with the nature of the operation.
- If asked by the local authorities, SFOR soldiers MUST show their SFOR ID cards.
- SFOR soldiers must always carry & protect their SFOR ID cards.

This page is updated by HQ SFOR PIO
Last updated 14 January 2003

SFOR MISSION: to provide a safe and secure environment in Bosnia and