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Military OneSource Online does not share personally identifiable information with vendors or other agents, companies, or services without your expressed permission. Your personal information is used only to enhance your experience with Military OneSource Online; it is not sold, rented, loaned, or transferred to any unrelated third parties. Although aggregated statistics about site usage are prepared to better serve our customer base, no identifiable information is tracked in these statistical reports. However, Military OneSource is obligated to provide certain reportable information to the appropriate military authority for discussions concerning your safety or the safety of others. Military OneSource is also mandated to notify the proper State agencies in these instances.

You should be aware that if you use employer-provided equipment, email services, or use employer access to the Internet, monitoring software may be used at any time and no rights to privacy will be afforded. Employers may use monitoring software from time to time to log all accesses to the Internet and report such activity to management. Employers may also monitor all email messages by you, or others using employer equipment or an employer network for access or transmission of data.

General Information

Military OneSource Online services is an Internet-based information and referral service. The information contained on Military OneSource Online is presented for the purpose of educating participants; it is not intended to provide exhaustive information or advice on a particular topic. The information on this Web site should not be relied on to suggest an authoritative course of action for an individual with legal, financial, educational, medical, or mental health concerns. The information contained on this Web site should not replace a consultation with a qualified expert in the field, such as an attorney, accountant, teacher, physician, health care provider, or therapist.

You should never disregard legal, financial, or medical advice from a professional or delay in seeking it because of information you have read on Military OneSource Online. If you are intending to pursue a legal action against someone, or if legal action is being threatened against you, obtain detailed legal advice from independent counsel who is familiar with the laws as they relate to your jurisdiction. If you have concerns or questions about financial matters, you should contact a banker, accountant, financial planner, or investment broker; their advice will best serve your specific circumstances and needs. Always consult with your physician or health care provider before embarking on a new treatment, diet, or fitness program.

If you are experiencing a crisis situation, such as a medical emergency, suicidal intent, a danger to yourself or others, are in an abusive relationship, or are concerned about child abuse or the abuse of an older relative or dependent adult, please contact the appropriate authorities promptly.

Military OneSource believes that individuals have the right and responsibility to evaluate and choose the most appropriate services and information to meet their needs. The information and referrals provided on this Web site are not endorsements or recommendations of services, providers, or products by Military OneSource, its agents, or the company providing this service to you.

Whenever you submit personal information to Military OneSource Online, Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology is offered in an to attempt to protect your confidentiality. The technology staff regularly checks for the success and failure of system processes and services to maintain web security and integrity.

Other Web Sites

Military OneSource Online provides links to other Web sites for educational purposes only. Participants are encouraged to exercise discretion when accessing links to other Web sites through Military OneSource Online. When participants link to an external Web site from Military OneSource Online, they leave the Military OneSource Online site. Military OneSource Online makes no representations concerning any effort to review all of the content of these external Web sites. Military OneSource Online is not responsible for the quality of information on any of the external Web sites or any link contained in the external Web sites. These links may lead unintentionally to sites containing information that some people may find inappropriate or offensive. It may also lead to sites that contain inaccurate information, false or misleading advertising, or information that violates copyright, libel, or defamation laws. The services, products, and resources available from these Web sites are not endorsed in any way by Military OneSource Online, nor does Military OneSource Online endorse any of the sponsors or advertisers on these sites.

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Military OneSource Discussion Boards

To foster a sense of community, and to allow for a useful, interactive dissemination of ideas within the online community, Military OneSource offers Discussion Boards to help participants share ideas and experiences with one another. All content posted on the Military OneSource Discussion Board is moderated by Military OneSource staff.

The Military OneSource Discussion Board service is free to all eligible Military OneSource participants. This service allows participants to post questions or concerns to the entire Military OneSource community. If a participant reads your posting on the Military OneSource Discussion Board, he/she may post a response directly to it.

Please be aware that Military OneSource Discussion Boards are available to all members of DoD, including Active Duty, Reserve, Guard and their family members at your installation and command. Please be aware that your User ID will show next to your posting.

If you are in an emergency medical situation, if you have suicidal intent, if you feel that you may be an immediate danger to yourself or others, if you are in an abusive relationship, or if you are concerned about child abuse or the abuse of an older relative or dependent adult, you should promptly contact the appropriate authorities in that matter.

There are rules of etiquette and standards of behavior that must be adhered to when accessing these Military OneSource services. Compliance with the rules and standards listed below is required from all Military OneSource participants. Although Military OneSource wishes to accommodate a variety of diverse viewpoints and ideas, participant communication must remain respectful at all times.

All correspondence should be clear, concise, considerate, and meaningful. No participant has the right to infringe upon another participant’s ability to obtain information on this site by methods such as, but not limited to, harassment, insults, or invasion of privacy. Messages posted or sent should not include any language, or visual or audio component that could be construed as unlawful, threatening, libelous, defamatory, obscene, fraudulent, harmful, abusive, hateful, pornographic, or in violation of any law or the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), including the property rights of others or the privacy or publicity right of others.

Logging on to the Military OneSource site and impersonating another individual is a violation of the terms of this agreement. Participants may not send or post advertisements to sell products or services, or make any offer that will result in financial gain, to other participants. Any such postings will be deleted from the Military OneSource Discussion Boards.

Failure to comply with the terms listed above may lead to the termination of your access to this site. Military OneSource has the sole right to discontinue the access of any participant who violates the Military OneSource guidelines for online behavior.

As a participant of Military OneSource, you assume responsibility for all activity that is undertaken in your name. For this reason, sharing your passcodes or other personal data with unreliable or suspect individuals is strongly discouraged.

The interactive nature of the Military OneSource Discussion Boards makes it impossible for Military OneSource to assume responsibility for any of the content posted by its participants. The ideas, suggestions, thoughts, recommendations, opinions, comments, advice, and observations made by participants of these interactive services are not endorsed by Military OneSource or the Department of Defense. Military OneSource makes no guarantee regarding the reliability, accuracy, or quality of any material that is posted from any participant onto the Military OneSource Discussion Boards.

Military OneSource Discussion Board Moderators reserve the right to edit and/or delete any postings that are submitted to the Military OneSource Discussion Boards if they are found to be in violation of the rules and regulations outlined above. Military OneSource is not responsible for any failure or delay in removing material from the site that participants may find offensive.

All materials, writings, and correspondence submitted to the Military OneSource Discussion Boards are considered content and become the property of Military OneSource. By posting your ideas, thoughts, opinions, suggestions, advice, observations, and comments on this site, you are representing that you are the creator of such material or have authorization to distribute it. When you post content on Military OneSource, you expressly grant Military OneSource the rights to use, reproduce, modify, or distribute the content in any form.

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Military OneSource Online will not make available any identifiable information in any form without the prior written or electronic consent of the individual identified, with the following exceptions: providing information as required by law, court order, or other valid legal processes.