Workshops Help Separatees "TAP" Into Good Jobs

The Department of Labor-sponsored Transition Assistance Program Employment Workshops are sponsored in conjunction with the installation Transition Assistance staffs. The DOL TAP Employment Workshops normally run 2 ½ days. However, some local installations may combine this workshop with other specialty workshops. During your first visit to the Transition Assistance Office, or with your Command Career Counselor, you should ask to be scheduled to attend the next available workshop (your spouse should attend if space is available). You should plan to attend employment workshops at least 180 days prior to separation.
Note: Not all installations and bases offer the Department of Labor TAP Employment Workshop. If the workshops are not available at your installation or base, the Transition Counselor will refer you to other sources where similar information is available.
TAP addresses such useful subjects as the following:
At the TAP workshops, you will receive a participant manual. Among other valuable information, this manual contains points of contact around the nation for many of the services you will need after your separation. 
TAP workshops are open members of all services – no matter which service may be hosting it. You can check with your particular Service to determine the availability of the TAP workshops.  For example the Army Career and Alumni Program (ACAP) maintains an on online directory of ACAP Centers. ACAP centers can help you find a workshop in your area. Visit to find an ACAP Center near you. You can also go to the MilitaryHOMEFRONT website and the Military Installation Locator at to find a specific TAP office near you.
Job-Hunting Workshops Provide Fresh Perspective
Besides the Department of Labor Career One-Stop Centers and the DOL Employment Workshop, you will find other job-hunting programs sponsored by organizations in and out of your Guard or Reserve Component. Use them! By taking advantage of workshops and seminars, you will gain information about the same subject from different points of view. Different workshops emphasize different things. There are many good methods for finding a job and many good programs to teach you how.
Date Last Reviewed: August 23, 2012