Welcome to the Headquarters of the Kosovo Force

Welcome to the Headquarters of the KOSOVO FORCE!

As the commander of this multinational force, consisting of soldiers from 30 nations, I welcome you to our website.

Kosovo has endured many changes over the years but I think it is fair to say that, for the past 13 years, KFOR has remained a constant and solidified its reputation as a professional force committed to progress. We as KFOR will continue to assume our part of the huge task to provide a safe and secure environment and ensure the freedom of movement for all people in Kosovo. To this end, KFOR will continue to closely cooperate with international partners as well as institutions in Kosovo and our goal remains to continue to hand over responsibilities to local authorities.

Our motto “FORWARD TOGETHER” describes the joint effort to contribute to progress towards a peaceful and prosperous future of Kosovo. This is not to be achieved individually or by a single organization. It is a common task and requires that we combine all our efforts – combined efforts will bring us forward.

With this in mind, we will step “FORWARD TOGETHER”.

To get an impression on how we are fulfilling our tasks and what is going on in our mission, you will find a large number of articles, facts and figures all around KFOR on this site. If you need further information, please contact the PUBLIC AFFAIRS OFFICE. They will be glad to assist you.

Volker Halbauer
Major General
German Army
Commander, Kosovo Force