From the event

05 Oct. 2012

SWISSCOY: Change of Command and an anniversary

The new SWISSCOY contingent enters service to a new location in Kosovo. After this Change of Command from the 26th to the 27th contingent the new incoming soldiers took over their role at the new sites, which have been established after the evacuation of the legendary Camp Casablanca.

Now the focus will be in Camp Prizren and in Camp Film City, the headquarters of the Kosovo Forces (KFOR) in Pristina. The quota includes about 230 soldiers, including 17 women. The Medal Parade took place on Friday at the military part of Pristina Airport. Major General Jean-Marc Holder, Chief of Staff of the Swiss Army expressed his gratitude to the contingent members for the work done and handed over the medals.

Included in the ceremony was also a small celebration on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the Air Force deployment in Kosovo. With a helicopter display the Air Force showed their skills, represented by the Deputy Commander Major General Bernhard Müller. After this ceremony, the members of the 26th SWISSCOY contingent returned home.