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U.S. troops overcome third typhoon in South Korea

By Walter T. Ham IV, Eighth Army Public Affairs
U.S. troops overcome third typhoon in South Korea
U.S. troops overcome third typhoon in South Korea

YONGSAN GARRISON, South Korea (Sept. 18, 2012) -- American Soldiers in South Korea overcame their third typhoon in less than a month when Typhoon Sanba came ashore here, Sept. 17.

For the first time in 50 years, the Korean Peninsula was hit by four typhoons in one year, according to the South Korean press.

Named after an area in Macau, Sanba followed Typhoons Bolaven and Tembin that struck the Korean Peninsula during exercise Ulchi Freedom Guardian 2012.

Eighth Army used its Web site, Social Media outlets and Armed Forces Network Korea to keep its Soldiers informed as the typhoon traveled north across the Western Pacific. The Eighth Army Safety Office outlined precautions to help keep U.S. military personnel out of harm's way during the storm.

Three weeks earlier, Typhoon Bolaven caused Combined Forces Command to temporarily suspend exercise Ulchi Freedom Guardian and Eighth Army to move from its mobile tent command post to fixed command facilities.