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Air Force announces first female four-star general nominee

Posted 2/7/2012 Email story   Print story


2/7/2012 - WASHINGTON (AFNS) -- President Barack Obama nominated Air Force Lt. Gen. Janet Wolfenbarger for promotion Feb. 6, which, pending Senate approval, would make her the first female four-star general in Air Force history.

Wolfenbarger currently serves as the military deputy in the Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition here and she is one of four female lieutenant generals in the Air Force.

"I am humbled and honored to have been nominated by the President to the rank of general and to serve as commander of Air Force Materiel Command. I look forward to participating in the Senate confirmation process when the time comes. At present, I remain focused on the important Air Force acquisition work I've been charged with," Wolfenbarger said.

A Beavercreek, Ohio, native, Wolfenbarger was commissioned as a second lieutenant in 1980 after graduating in the first class with female cadets at the Air Force Academy.

She also holds a graduate degree in aeronautics and astronautics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge.

The general has held several positions in the F-22 System Program Office at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio; served as the F-22 lead program element monitor at the Pentagon, and was the B-2 system program director for the Aeronautical Systems Center, Wright-Patterson AFB.

She commanded ASC's C-17 Systems Group, Mobility Systems Wing and was the service's director of the Air Force Acquisition Center of Excellence at the Pentagon, then served as director of the headquarters AFMC Intelligence and Requirements Directorate, Wright-Patterson AFB.

Prior to her current assignment, Wolfenbarger was the vice commander of AFMC, Wright-Patterson AFB.

She has been awarded the Distinguished Service Medal, the Legion of Merit, the Meritorious Service Medal, the Air Force Commendation Medal, the Air Force Achievement Medal, the National Defense Medal and the Global War on Terrorism Medal.

Wolfenbarger received her third star in December 2009 and became the Air Force's highest-ranking woman in January 2010.

(Courtesy of Secretary of the Air Force Public Affairs)

4/3/2012 9:16:12 AM ET
As many of these comments show we still have a long way to go in gender equality when so many of these comments are of the negative sexist a man wouldn't have made it so far variety. Congratulations to her...haters gonna hate.
Chris, Germany
3/21/2012 9:17:43 PM ET
I am really happy that a female is making 4 stars and that she was part of the first female class at the AFA... I'm sure she deserves the promotion and the job because once in the higher ranks your reputation carries you further than your record. Other generals and your peers have to see you along a certain path to keep getting promoted or you stall or are asked to retire. What I am a little confused about is how she made rank so quickly considering she was never a DG of anything, didn't attend SOS or ACSC in residence and doesn't have joint... I know 2-star females with those accolades who graduated the same year from the academy... But as I already stated, she must have impressed her peers and supervisors to make it to such a level.
Female Capt, DC
3/5/2012 3:26:23 PM ET
I see Wolfenbarger had her official photo retaken to correct the discrepancy with her longevity award ribbon. It's great to know subordinates were looking out for her best interest when posting comments to point out the discrepancy.
2/25/2012 6:38:56 PM ET
As I read all the negativity people have written it hits me as listening to people who've been passed over for some reason or another. It's sheer jealousy. From what I've read of her assignments and accomplishments she's well qualified to be promoted and placed in command of AFMC as a 4 star. Stop whining and congratulate her It's a great day when a promotion happens. It was for me when I was on active dutyCMSgt Steve Nemerow
Steven Nemerow, San Antonio TX
2/17/2012 7:42:45 AM ET
Congratulations, Janet. 80 Proof
dave80, Jacksonville fl
2/16/2012 5:21:01 PM ET
2/16/2012 2:41:19 PM ET
Uh Hello? It's campaign season people. What better way to get the female vote than to be THE president that nominated the first female 4-star in the Air Force. Congrats are in order for Obama, not Gen Wolfenbarger.
Campaign Manager, Colorado
2/15/2012 3:28:06 PM ET
Wow, 21 of her 32 years have been spent at Wright Patterson and now she is going back there for xxx more years. Interesting is all I can say.
JT, Scott AFB IL
2/13/2012 10:47:35 PM ET
Although the 2 3 and particularly the 4-star Rank is quite the accomplishment... Somehow I would hope anyway that the 4-star level would be reserved for ONLY those with Operational Experience. To command at the 4-star level we would agree that Breadth of Experience is very basic in terms of a requirement. HOW THEN can someone with zip worth of Flying Operations---how can the Air Force elevate someone to a point where this key and basic flat-out completely void from this persons record. Who we kidding Again a marvelous accomplishment. But this is a promotion that is entirely void of basic airmanship let alone a single-day of Operations experience. Last I checked this is the Air Force. Generally sort of incumbent of those leading the Air Force top-levels to have an hour or two of flying behind them much less operational experience. Hey --- too late now unless the Senate grabs onto this very basic observation... Truly just does N
Brad Arnsparger, Gwinn Michigan
2/13/2012 3:38:48 PM ET
Assignment stagnation lack of career field diversity and an official photo with missing ribbon devices would be a guaranteed shootdown for an E-8 promotion to E-9. Why is the same standard not applied for an O-9 promotion to O-10
Jinx, Alaska
2/13/2012 11:29:16 AM ET
Her official 2-star and 3-star photos show glue residue from a missing oak leaf on her longevity award ribbon. Does this represent attention to detail and leading by example? How can she enforce military standards when she obviously can't even comply with them?
Jake, North Carolina
2/13/2012 10:38:40 AM ET
KN in Ohio: How can you be happy that the Air Force is following corporate structure? Following the corporate structure is jsut one of the many problems we have in the Air Force. Encouraging a business mindset over a military mindset is the wrong way to go.
Same, Here
2/13/2012 7:43:41 AM ET
Capt already noted, Gen Lyles, a male officer, made it to 4-stars following very similar career path as Gen Wolfenbarger.
SoCal, Marina del Rey
2/13/2012 12:43:44 AM ET
Have you ever tried to find an OS assignment -- long or short -- for a 62E? They are exceedingly rare. Ditto squadron, group or wing command positions.Compare Lt Gen Bowlds' bio for another engineer GO.
62E Captain, Shriever
2/12/2012 12:12:45 AM ET
Yippy...what's next, are we going to celebrate the first gay General?
Disillusioned, Here
2/11/2012 2:38:25 PM ET
Congratulations, Gen Wolfenbarger. We need more acquisition professionals in the upper echelons of the DoD, especially during these economically trying times. In the private sector, no one becomes the CEO of a major company without an MBA and decades of business/acquisition experience. Glad to see the USAF is following suit.
KN, Ohio
2/11/2012 5:01:59 AM ET
@LM: A male with the same career path would IMHO never have made it anywhere near 4 stars. Flame away.
Capt B, NM
2/11/2012 3:01:08 AM ET
Folks, welcome to the funny world of AFMC. AFMC is full of 62 and 63 senior officers who haven't spent a day overseas. They bounce back and forth between WPAFB, the logistics centers and SAFAQ, and have the same if not better promotion opportunities than most other line career fields. So it's not surprising to see Gen W get a fourth star. For AFMC, for some reason, combat deployments and service outside of AFSPACE or AFMC is not necessary for promotion. Also don't forget about Gen Lester Lyles who commanded AFMC 00-03.
Maj, Deployed
2/10/2012 6:45:14 PM ET
This isn't about male or female. The bio doesn't read 4 stars. It also doesn't read 3 stars in a about 3 years. So much for being fiscally responsible. Don't worry, though, if another 100 enlisted Working Class are cut; there will be money to pay the next star for a not so starry Bio.
Dave, Korea
2/10/2012 3:09:19 PM ET
It is indeed sad to see the Air Force lowering the bar. Her resume paints a picture of an outstanding manager, but I see no traits of an outstanding military leader. Compare her qualifications, experience and accomplishments to other generals such as Norman Schwarzkopf and you will see the difference.
Alan, Ohio
2/10/2012 11:49:07 AM ET
Good to see a person being nominated to 4 star and was the lead program element monitor for a plane that has been combat available for 5yrs now but is just a useless piece of flying metal. SMH..
IP, Omaha NE
2/10/2012 11:48:13 AM ET
Engineers represent
engineer001, Lackland AFB TX
2/10/2012 9:53:35 AM ET
@LM. No, a male would probably not be given such scrutiny. But you know what, the AF media opened this up for scrutiny when they posted a story about it. Sure any aspiring General Officer or CMSgt is going to want to look at the bio to see what they can do to get the right assignments to make rank. So when they look and see a lack of assignments that have traditionally been associated with progression into the flag officer ranks, people get confused. I too am confused. First, I wish our society would get over this first woman to do this first African American to do that mentality. Who cares? Achievements are achievements. Second, I think the President and Congress sends a mixed message about what is important in promoting General Officers when they do something like this. What is more important, promoting a woman or promoting someone with breadth and experience?
Chris Kimball, Indiana
2/10/2012 1:10:43 AM ET
My congratulations to General Wolfenbarger wish her the best of luck. In regards to the comments about appointing the CMSAF.First a CMSgt doesn't get the job because of gender race religion etc. It's because they are good at what they do and the CSAF trusts them. Second out of all the officers encountered throughout a CMSgt's career they better hope they made the right impression with the one that was appointed as CSAF. Good luck figuring out which one that is.
2/9/2012 8:49:00 PM ET
No deployments, it doesn't matter as long as the individual checked all the is not about combat experience or warfare knowledge but stratification on reports and awards won.
CheckSix, USA
2/9/2012 8:31:21 PM ET
To Todd at Fort RuckerLtGen Wolfenbarger would not be the first non-rated 4-star general in the Air Force. Gen Billy Boles was the first one. He was a career personnelist.
Steve, San Antonio TX
2/9/2012 8:08:45 PM ET
Congratulations is in order. Unfortunately I see many negative comments and wonder if a male given the same career path would be challenged for lack of field time air time and deployment time. Good luck ma'am please know you are being evaluated as if your were every female wearing a uniform. We know we fight even though we are not combat approved.
2/9/2012 7:57:05 PM ET
What a spectacular achievement Congratulations thank you for inspiring me to reach deep within and be all that I can and all other women can be.I just joined the AirForce and look forward to taking the same steps you have. I'm honored to read your story
Charity Hope, California
2/9/2012 6:49:33 PM ET
Listen up all you pinheads... we're talking about commanding the USAF's materiel logistics and sustainment MAJCOM... she is imminently qualified to do so. Last I checked there were no acquistion short tour or AOR assignments for her to qualify per the other comments. And there is precedence here... Gen Billy Boles commanded AETC in the 90s and he was a core personnelist who had never commanded a numbered unit. Get over it. Congrats General.
Barney, Box Elder SD
2/9/2012 5:19:14 PM ET
As everyone has noted, Lt General Wolfenbarger will be the first female four-star General, won't she also be the first non-rated Air Force officer to make four stars? If so, her achievement is even more impressive.
Todd, Fort Rucker
2/9/2012 3:39:33 PM ET
CMSgt PACAF, the AF missed the chance at having the first female CMSAF when they did not make a certain CMSgt at Hurlburt Fld. If you were stationed there or knew her, you know who I'm talking about. She was one of the finest CMSGT's the AF ever had.
Mo, MidSouth
2/9/2012 3:33:59 PM ET
Is that the same Janet I worked at Wilford Hall with for a time in 1970's Either way congrats and good fortune to you.
Donny Daugherty, seguin tx
2/9/2012 2:52:24 PM ET
Congratulations General Wolfenbarger. Your success will inspire many for years to come.
Female Airman, New Orleans
2/9/2012 1:49:04 PM ET
@AF Vet VA. She was the B-2 Program SPO Director a group comander equivalent position Apr 00 to Dec 02. Learn a little about the 6x side of the house before complaining please. Her bio has plenty of leadership in it.
Analyst, Barksdale
2/9/2012 1:46:24 PM ET
While her multiple degrees and special project experience are certainly commendable I must question the lack of so much as an overseas short tour or extended combat deployment during her entire three decade career. As these factors are closely scrutinized for promotion to senior enlisted ranks they should be more so for promotion to senior officer ranks. I guess it just redefines being able to do more with less.
Vito, US
2/9/2012 10:06:44 AM ET
General officer appointments are political but it seems a bit nuts to elevate someone to the rank of General that has never deployed or commanded a squadron group wing. I don't doubt she is really smart and is a talented leader but something major seems to be missing here.
AF Vet VA, Virginia
2/9/2012 9:09:20 AM ET
Congrats Ma'am...thanks for paving the way
Female Officer, Colorado
2/8/2012 5:38:04 PM ET
Congration For Lt Gen Wolfenberger for so much sucess in promotions especially in her last two as well as being named to the highest rank of General with Congress approval. It is certainly different from my time in the Air Force because promotions came few and far between for officers and enlisted. My case I only achieved TSGT in twenty years and I keep my nose clean it was just real slow during and after Viet Nam.
David Hamby Ret TSGT, Athens Alabama
2/8/2012 4:09:31 PM ET
She needs to fire or seriously counsel her enlisted aid - one of her devices has fallen off her longevity ribbon. Attention to detail.
2/8/2012 3:42:20 PM ET
Great to see diversity in our top Air Force Leadership. Still waiting to see who will be the first female CMSAF
2/8/2012 3:22:38 PM ET
As a veteran of the U.S.A.F. I want to say Congrats to the General for the career she already has had and here is hoping that she will be confirmed as the first 4 Star General. It has been to long for something like this to have happened. It proves that the Air Force is going in the way that they should. Again Congratulations to General Wolfenbarger for a job well-done.
Jonathan Howard, Dyersburg TN
2/8/2012 2:10:17 PM ET
I am surprised it took all the way to 2012 but not surprised it is a USAFA 1980 graduate. I stayed in the Q at Columbus AFB a long time ago next to a new female USAFA graduate and she was sharp as a tack. I'm guessing they all were
The Old Retired Guy, San Antonio
2/8/2012 1:59:29 PM ET
Congratulations General Wolfenbarger. Only took the AF 64 years to promote the first female officer to 4 star rank. According to the info in her official biography Gen Wolfenbarger is a fast burner for promotions as she had two in the same yearMajor General June 26 2009Lieutenant General Dec. 3 2009
J. Baker CMSgt ret, Hewitt TX
2/8/2012 1:04:50 PM ET
Everyone knows what an A-10 pilot does. We all know what a finance person does. Golly gee we all know what an ammo troop does for the most part. What does a military deputy in the Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition do Sounds like one of those jobs that could just go away and nobody would ever know its gone.
Ken H, Michigan
2/8/2012 12:53:35 PM ET
Thirty two years of service and never an assignment outside of CONUS.
2/8/2012 11:25:11 AM ET
Congratulations Gen Wolfenbarger 1st Air Force female 4-star and join the ranks with Gen Ann Dunwoody in the Army as the very 1st female 4-star in the military.
2/8/2012 11:19:53 AM ET
Congratulations Gen Wolfenbarger and good luck You have lead the way throughout your career I have no doubt you'll continue with this promotion.
Roger Blanchard MSgt Ret, Spring Lake NC
2/8/2012 11:12:49 AM ET
Very happy to hear the news however I was under the impression that the Goldwater-Nichols Act of 1986 required officers to have joint experience to even join the general officer ranks as a Brigadier General. I saw nothing in Lt Gen Wolfenbarger's official Air Force biography to indicate she has ever worked outside the Air Force. I will be curious to see how that impacts the nomination.
ML, Virginia
2/8/2012 9:28:50 AM ET
This is a historic moment for the Air Force and I congratulate the General on her nomination. A couple of observations on reading her bio and seeing her official photo I find it interesting that it's possible to achieve the highest grade in the Air Force without ever being deployed and to have been assigned to the same base albeit different organizations and assignments for more than half of a career.
Maj, SWA
2/8/2012 3:17:46 AM ET
I had no idea that we hadn't had a female four star general before now. I'm rather surprised. Congratulations Gen. Wolfenbarger
2/7/2012 9:48:10 PM ET
Congrats to her...quite the honor if confirmed. But how does an active-duty officer spend 24 consecutive years going back and forth between DC and Ohio Apparently creative had nothing for her.
Vince, Orlando FL
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