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GEN Thurman United Nations Command Honor Guard Ceremony Speech

Gen. James D. Thurman,
Commander, United Nations Command, Combined Forces Command,  U.S. Forces Korea
Speech at the United Nations Command Honor Guard ceremony for Amb. Kathleen Stephens

Sept. 7, 2011

“Distinguished Ambassadors and Diplomats, Fellow General and Flag Officers, Members of the Diplomatic Corps, Honored Guests; Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for joining us as we say farewell to a true professional and outstanding supporter of the Republic of Korea-U.S. Alliance – Ambassador Kathleen Stephens.

“Since 1975, Ambassador Stephens has dedicated herself to a life of selfless service for the United States. She started as a member of the Peace Corps serving here in Korea from 1975 to 1977.  She then joined the Foreign Service and subsequently served much of her career in Asia, including many more years here in Korea.  As she has given so much to ensure this alliance is strong it is appropriate to honor her service today as she prepares to depart Korea.

“To help us honor Ambassador Stephens, we have assembled some of the finest Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, and Marines in the world…the United Nations Command Honor Guard, the Eighth Army Band, and the Second Infantry Division Salute Battery ably represent this great Alliance.  You look great out there, and you represent your fellow comrades in arms well.  Let’s give a hand to these outstanding warriors. 

“Over the past three years, Ambassador Stephens has been a great source of strength for this Alliance.  She provided sound counsel and led an interagency, whole-of government response during some of the most challenging times in this Alliance’s history, including a missile launch, a nuclear test, and the attacks on the Cheonan and Yongpyeong-Do Island.

“In spite of these challenges, Ambassador Stephens tirelessly worked to improve ties between our two nations. During her time in Korea, Ambassador Stephens supported and worked towards greater economic, cultural, and personal ties between our two countries. She spoke to a vast array of Korean audiences…wrote a blog discussing her experiences, and she took bike rides across the country.

 “Ambassador Stephens also encouraged greater Alliance cooperation around the world. In the past few years, our two nations have fought piracy together, responded to disasters together, participated in ongoing operations together, and together we have secured peace and prosperity here in Korea, Ambassador Stephens has been essential in making this happen, her personal contributions made this Alliance stronger than ever. 

“On behalf of United Nations Command, Combined Forces Command, and United States Forces Korea, I would like to personally thank the Ambassador for her support to the men and women stationed here, from ensuring the Embassy’s involvement in our military operations to supporting our community through signing Memorandums of Understanding in Pyeontaek , Ambassador Stephens has spent an incredible amount of time working for this military community,  Ambassador Stephens, thank you for all that you have done for the Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, and civilians serving in this command and their families.  Let’s give her a big round of applause!

“We wish you the best of luck as you assume new duties as a senior fellow at Georgetown University’s Institute for the Study of Diplomacy.  I am confident that Ambassador Stephens will continue to work to keep the ROK-U.S. Alliance strong while she is assigned in Washington.  Ambassador Stephens, you will always have a home here with the Alliance and with our Service-members stationed in Korea.  Godspeed and God bless.  Katchi Kapshida!”