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GEN James D. Thurman UNC/CFC/USFK Change of Command Speech

By GEN James D. Thurman
GEN James D. Thurman UNC/CFC/USFK Change of Command Speech
Gen. James D. Thurman and Adm. Robert F. Willard salute as the U.S. and Republic of Korea’s national anthems are played during the United Nations Command, Combined Forces Command, United States Forces Korea, change of command ceremony July 14 at Yongsan Garrison in Seoul, Korea. Thurman assumed command from Gen. Walter L. “Skip” Sharp during the ceremony. Willard is commander of the U.S. Pacific Command, based in Hawaii. (U.S. Army Photo by Sgt. 1st Class Luis Lazzara)


14 JULY 2011

Good morning! Thank you all for being here today. 
Ambassador Stephens
Other Distinguished Ambassadors
Minister of Defense Kim
Honorable Ministers
ADM Mullen (Chairman, JCS)
ADM Willard (Commander, PACOM)
GEN Sharp
GEN Han (Chairman, ROK CJCS)
GEN (R) Sun Yup Paik (pack)
Former DCINCs
Fellow Flag Officers
CSM Winzenried (USFK CSM) (Winzenreed)
Other Distinguished Guests and “Good Neighbors”
Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines of the United Nations Command / Combined Forces Command / and United States Forces Korea

Annyong-hashim-nika !! 

It is a great honor to stand here and address you as a member of a powerful Alliance that has successfully deterred aggression on the Korean peninsula and enabled stability throughout Northeast Asia. 

Let me direct your attention to our front.  A change of command ceremony is as much about recognizing great service members, civilians, and families as it is about the outgoing and incoming commanders.   Today is no exception…

United Nations Command Honor Guard … Color guard Eighth Army Band…salute battery…and the service members on parade…..They represent not only all of the units serving in this great Alliance…but also the dedicated American and Korean soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines, and civilians as well as the service members of our United Nations Command Sending States…who have defended this great nation for the last 61 years. 

You look splendid today…your performance honors all of those who serve this great Alliance.  Thank you for your service and sacrifice.

Those arrayed to our front represent the strength of this great Alliance and coalition…an Alliance which has defended the vibrant democracy, economic power, and stalwart ally that is the Republic of Korea.

The Alliance between the Republic of Korea and the United States is based upon more than security…It is a partnership created in the first days of the Korean republic…forged and hardened during the arduous battles of the Korean War…and honed and sharpened over the last 58 years.

Both nations are prepared to honor our commitments …provide stability…deter conflict… and, if we must, fight and win. 

This Alliance stands ready to counter any provocation intended to destabilize the Korean peninsula.  With your help, I promise to do all I can to continue to strengthen this great Alliance.

I am honored to stand on this podium before this formation.  Command is a privilege…and the opportunity to serve as the commander of Combined Forces Command, United Nations Command, and United States Forces Korea is a distinct honor…

As your new commander, my priorities are simple and straight forward….

First, I will continue to strengthen this great Alliance…our partnership has grown stronger over time….and this will continue during my tenure in command.  Together, we will build on this solid foundation … continuing to deter any aggression or provocations on the Korean peninsula in the future.

Next, I will work with civilian and military leaders to further mature an Alliance that is prepared to fight and win if necessary…We will continue to have a well-trained…well-equipped…and ready force led by leaders focused on basics - - discipline…standards…and accountability.  This force will be ready to “fight tonight”.

Another priority is the continued transformation and evolution of the Combined Forces Command Structure …The transition of operational control will continue to move forward. 

This change in command structure is not a lessening of U.S. commitment to the Republic of Korea… it is an evolution of a mature and capable alliance with one of our strongest allies…the Republic of Korea.

Finally, I plan to emphasize Quality of Life… We will continue to work together to improve the facilities, housing, and opportunities for our service members, DoD civilian employees, and families.  These continued improvements help decrease stress for our service members and increase readiness.

Minister Kim:  I am here to serve this great Republic of Korea-US combined team.  I look forward to working with you and other senior Korean civilian and military leaders as we transform our combined capabilities.

Ambassador Stephens:  I greatly value your experience and know that I will have a close relationship with you and your superb country team.

To the ambassadors and liaison officers of all the nations supporting United Nations Command:  I appreciate your continued support in maintaining the security of this great nation…I look forward to working with each of you as we move forward together.  

GEN Han:  I am honored to be here and I want you to know that I am committed to improving the combined warfighting readiness which protects this great nation. I also will continue to see that the OPCON transfer remains on track.

ADM Mullen:  Thank you for this great opportunity to once again lead our outstanding soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines.  I would also like to thank you for your long and distinguished service to our nation.

ADM Willard:  Thank you so much coming here to witness the start of a new command team.  We look forward to working with the tremendous team at Pacific Command.

GEN Paik (pack): We are honored by your presence today.  You are a great soldier and an inspiration…Thank you for your service.

GEN Jung: You, sir, are my comrade and partner in defending this great republic.  I look forward to your advice, counsel, and friendship. 

To the soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines of the United Nations Command, Combined Forces Command, and United States Forces Korea…Dee and I commit ourselves to working with each and every one of you. 

This great Alliance has been led by some of the finest officers to serve in any of our militaries…Part of the honor for me today is being able to follow in the footsteps of these distinguished leaders…and in particular being able to follow in command a soldier I have greatly admired during my military service.

For the past 3 years General Sharp - -accompanied by his wife Joanne - - has led this command…through some of its most challenging times in its long history…The service members and nations of this Alliance owe much to the Sharp command team…They epitomize selfless service.

Dee and I are especially grateful for the hospitality the Sharps have provided during this transition.  You have been gracious hosts and have welcomed us as members of the Yongsan family.

Skip - -Dee and I wish you and Joanne all of the success and happiness you deserve after serving your country with such distinction for the past 37 years.  Thank you both for everything you have done for us and for this command.  I look forward to continuing our friendship.

The challenge before us today is to build on your legacy…to continue your tradition of excellence…and to take this great Alliance to a higher level…

In closing, it is my assessment that the Alliance is strong and capable.  This Alliance has a long and distinguished history.  It has been tested on the battlefield and continues to be strengthened through rigorous training …and the commitment of two strong allies…

Now, I am committing all of my energy to ensure that the Alliance transforms as an enduring deterrence against aggression…and, should deterrence fail, as a lethal warfighting force for victory.

Katchi Kapsida
Kamsa – Hahm – Nee – Da