U.S. Department of Commerce

Industry Statistics Sampler

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Wholesale trade

List of 2002 Economic Census PDFs and tables in AFF

2002 and earlier Economic Censuses

The economic census is conducted every 5 years. The button at the right provides links to all tables for this industry from the 2002 Economic Census in the American FactFinder (AFF) system. For earlier statistics, see the discussion in historical data from the economic census.

Historical comparability

Comparable   NAICS 42, Wholesale trade, is comparable between 2007 and 2002.

Almost Comparable   2002 NAICS 42, Wholesale trade, is close, but not quite comparable between 2002 and 1997. See the Bridge Between 2002 NAICS and 1997 NAICS for changes to constituent industries.

For comparisons with data before 1997, see the Bridge Between 1997 NAICS and 1987 SIC.

In the following table, both 1997 and 2002 data are classified by 1997 NAICS, so that the two years are comparable.

Comparative Statistics: 2002 and 1997
Data are in current dollars and have not been adjusted for inflation. Table includes only establishments of firms with payroll. Introductory text includes scope, methodology, non-sampling error, and confidentiality protection. "% change" rows show percent change between 1997 and 2002.
1997 NAICS Description Year Establishments Sales ($1,000) Annual payroll ($1,000) Paid employees
42 Wholesale trade 2002 439,175 4,637,494,486 260,246,207 5,902,852
1997 453,470 4,059,657,778 214,915,405 5,796,557
% change -3.2 14.2 21.1 1.8
Source: U.S. Census Bureau  |  2007 Economic Census  |  (301)763-2547  |  econ@census.gov  |  Page Last Modified: May 04, 2011