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Optical/IR Products

Access to astrometric catalogs and imaging products is provided through the USNO Image and Catalog Archive Server.

Optical/infrared image and catalog products provided by the USNO.  Astrometric catalogs include NOMAD, UCAC, USNO-B1, Double Stars, etc.  Imaging products include digital scans of a number of the major Schmidt telescope surveys of the skies, along with the catalogs of astronomical objects created from those images.

  • The Naval Observatory Merged Astrometric Database (NOMAD)

    The primary aim of NOMAD is to help users retrieve the best currently available astrometric data for any star in the sky by providing these data in one place.
  • The USNO CCD Astrograph Catalog (UCAC, UCAC2, UCAC3, UCAC4)

    An all-sky astrometric survey for stars in the 7-16 magnitude range. Positions to accuracies of from 20-70 mas. Including proper motions. Approximate magnitudes in a non-standard bandpass (579-643 nm). Update: UCAC4 was released in August 2012. It is available from CDS as Vizier catalog I/322; DVDs have been shipped to all customers on file.
  • The USNO Robotic Astrometric Telescope (URAT)

    A new observational program, designed as the successor to UCAC. This all-sky astrometric survey will cover the R=9-17.5 magnitude range and utilize the large field-of-view the USNO 20cm "redlens" was designed for, covering 28 sq. deg per exposure. The all-sky survey will begin at NOFS (Arizona), then continue from CTIO (Chile).   Milestone: URAT survey observations began at NOFS on 24 April 2012.
  • The USNO-B1.0 Catalog

    USNO-B1.0 is the latest catalog from the USNO Precision Measuring Machine project. It contains over 1,000,000,000 entries and provides positions, magnitudes, and proper motions for each object.
  • Double Star Catalogs (WDS, etc.)

    The double star catalogs maintained at the USNO, the Double Star Library (IAU Commission 26 webpage), and FAQ.
  • Solar System Bodies

    Astrometric data for objects within our solar system including planetary satellites and minor planets.
  • The USNO Image and Catalog Archive Server

    The USNO Image and Catalog Archive Server serves as the source of major USNO astrometric catalogs including the NOMAD, USNO-B1.0 and USNO-A2.0 catalogs.  In addition, it contains digital scans of a number of the major Schmidt telescope surveys of the skies, along with the catalogs of astronomical objects created from those images. 


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