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​​ Student Excellence

West Point Cadets are among the brightest students in the nation. Their prowess is demonstrated every year through Projects Day, International-National-Local Conference and Journal Awards, and post graduation scholarships. West Point strongly believes that intellectual competition leads to graduating the leaders for our nation’s future.

West Point Cadets Place First in the Rapid Equipping Force Grand Challenge
After a year of research and testing, Class of 2012 Cadets Jacob Baxter, Luke Grant, Isaac Melnick, and Jake Young placed first in the Rapid Equipping Force Grand Challenge for their Waste Heat Cogeneration System that harnesses the principle of cogeneration to take waste heat from a generator to make hot showers using material that is commercially available and can be modified and rapidly fielded to Soldiers in theater.
2012 Scott R. Clark Innovation Award Winner - Electric Field Gunshot Detection – Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering. Cadets: Benjamin Poth, José Ramirez and Matthew DiBasilio. Team Advisors: Dr. Özer Arnas, LTC Bret Vanpoppel and MAJ John Evangelista.
Cadets, now second lieutenants, Jeremiah Watson, Jeff-Antoine Pierre-Louis and Bret Larson with their innovative stretch earplug remover on Projects Day. The project earned them a first-place win at the AbilityOne Network Design Challenge.