Health Care for Reserve Retirees

Members of the Retired Reserves below age 60 – so called "gray area" retirees are not eligible for TRICARE health care benefits. However, gray area retirees are eligible for the TRICARE Retiree Dental Program, which is explained later.
Reserve Component (RC) retirees become eligible for TRICARE benefits when they reach age 60 and begin receiving retirement pay. TRICARE eligibility remains in force until age 65. Upon reaching age 65, TRICARE ends, and you become eligible for Medicare. For information on TRICARE, contact the Beneficiary Service Representative or Health Benefits Advisor at your nearest military treatment facility. You can learn more about TRICARE at
. Go to this website to find out more about TRICARE benefits for retirees age 65 and older.
Reserve retirees are eligible for Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) medical care on a space-available basis. However, there are many limitations and eligibility requirements. As a retired member of the Guard or Reserve, you should not rely solely on VA services as your only source of health care. If you are a “gray area” retiree you should consider obtaining individual or family health insurance plan for medical coverage through your new employer.
Another option is to purchase extended transitional health care coverage (CHCBP) for up to 18 months of coverage. You have 60 days after separation to enroll in CHCBP. Your coverage will start the day after your separation. 
For more information visit call their toll-free line at 1-800-444-5445.
Supplemental Health Insurance for Reserve Retirees
One short stay in the hospital could offset the cost of several years of supplement health insurance. Even though you are covered by TRICARE, a supplemental insurance policy is a good idea for retirees. Here's why:
If you are covered by health insurance with your new employer, you may use TRICARE as your supplemental insurance for that policy. Check with your TRICARE advisor concerning your particular circumstances and those of your family. 
The Supplemental Health Insurance Test
Private supplemental health insurance makes sense in a variety of situations?
If you answered YES to any of these questions, you should consider obtaining supplemental health insurance. 
Shopping for Supplemental Health Insurance
There are many places to obtain supplemental health insurance. Several fraternal associations and many commercial insurance companies offer such plans, but you should look carefully for the one that is best for you and your family. Insurance plans vary greatly with which medical procedures are covered and the percentage the policy will pay.
When shopping for health insurance, first consider the benefits you may have as a retiree or veteran. Then purchase supplemental insurance. The trick is to find a supplemental insurance plan that covers all your anticipated needs without paying for benefits that duplicate what you already have.
There are five basic types of health insurance coverage:
When looking at your health insurance coverage, take a moment to review your insurance on your automobile, personal property, real estate, and loan payments. Insurers sometimes offer discounts to customers who purchase several types of insurance from the same company.
Date Last Reviewed: November 6, 2009