Transitioning from the Military?

If you are separating from active duty within the next 60 to 180 days, Benefits Delivery at Discharge can help you receive VA disability benefits sooner.

BDD is a time-sensitive process. To receive your VA disability benefits within the goal of 60 days following separation, you must submit your claim 60 to 180 days prior to your release or retirement from active duty. This time is needed to complete your medical examinations before you leave your point of separation. You can get your BDD Pamphlet for more information here.

If you are closer than 60 days to separation from service, you can submit a Quick Start claim. You can get your Quick Start Pamphlet for more information here.

Call the VA today at 1-800-827-1000 to learn about this process and get started. Or visit the VA Pre-Discharge Program website at