Life Insurance Coverage for Service-Connected Disabled Veterans (S-DVI)

Service-Disabled Veterans Life Insurance (S-DVI )

Service-Disabled Veterans Insurance is life insurance for veterans who receive a service connected disability (SCD) rating by the VA . The basic S-DVI program, commonly referred to as “RH Insurance”, insures eligible veterans for up to $10,000 of coverage. Veterans who have the basic S-DVI coverage and are totally disabled are eligible to have their premiums waived. If waiver is granted, totally disabled veterans may apply for additional coverage of up to $20,000 under the Supplemental S-DVI program. Premiums for Supplemental S-DVI coverage, however, cannot be waived.


You are eligible for S-DVI if:

You are eligible for Supplemental S-DVI if:

The S-DVI premiums vary depending on your age, type of plan (term or permanent), and the amount of coverage you select. You may apply for SDVI using the sites listed in the Resources section of this chapter.

Waiver of Premiums

You may be eligible for a waiver if you become totally disabled before your 65th birthday and stay that way for at least six consecutive months. Premiums for Supplemental S-DVI cannot be waived.

Note: Effective October 1, 2011, the Supplemental SDVI maximum increases to $30,000.

Date Last Reviewed: September 6, 2011